||razor: comfort

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As the wind of Mondstadt blew away the dandelions across the land, a girl ran; tears falling from her cheeks in search for someone.

Lies that were made up and truths that weren't told, y/n had learned these the hard way.

Having just broken up with her boyfriend, she immediately ran outside Mondstadt walls.

'he doesn't deserve your tears' she told herself, but she couldn't help it. More tears comes strolling down as her legs burned. She had put to much faith in the relationship. She didn't listen to Lisa's advice, only to thank her and brush it off. She thought they were happy, only to be splashed in the face with cruel realty.

She only had one place to go; razor. Anytime she was in trouble or sad, she always took a stroll where he would usually be. Seen or not seen, she knew that Razor would keep an eye on her and keep her safe.

He was a wolf boy she could always depend on. To her he felt like home, and so did she to him. They had found comfort in each other's presence ever since y/n had met him 7 years ago. Or maybe it was 8? She couldn't remember amongst all the time she had spent with him.

"Razor-!" She called out weakly. Her lungs burned but she persisted. If he was out hunting, she'd wait for him. But by the time she had reached the entrance of the forest, her legs had given out. She fell on to her knees, the painful sharp rocks and the uneven ground of the forest stinged.

Y/n sobbed, clutching the grass beneath her. "Razor-" she choked. "I need you..."

Just then, the bushes beside her rustled. She snapped her neck towards it.

Y/n had anticipated this and had gotten used to it as well. It was either hilichurls or Razor, it had always been one or the other.

But in her current condition she could care less if it had been hilichurls. She would've jumped on one of them into a hug and hoped for the best, though razor would still be ideal.

Thankfully, it wasn't a hilichurl. It was her friend, brows furrowed; obvious worry loomed over his eyes as he approached the girl on the ground.

"Y/n!" He called her name, dropping everything in his hand (which was only his claymore sword) and ran to her side. His rough hands grabbed onto her shoulder gently, doing his best to comfort her in his state of sudden panic.

"Razor... Make mistake?" He asked, trying to find injuries on her if she had one.

"No, it wasn't razor." She retaliated. Tears pricked her eyes again, threatening to fall but she held them back. Razor was beside her and she didn't want him to go over drive with worry.

The h/c haired girl told him the story of how she had come over to his house one day only to find him making out with another.

As she had kept ranting, razor picked her up and brought her over to sit under a tree, with him beside her for mental and physical support.

Y/n had found herself resting on Razors shoulder as he listened to her. He didn't mind, and thankful he had cleared all those wondering hilichurls earlier today.

"Razor, keep y/n company." He announced just as y/n finished her rant. Tears that had been streaming down was long gone, dried by the cool wind of Barbatos. "Y/n rest!"

She smiled, relaxing her tense body against him.

After a while, her breathing because softer, a small snore was heard beside Razor. He looked up towards the dark sky where the stars had shone. It twinkled in glee. Razor only had one wish in his mind; where the world was to become a peaceful place so that y/n could live happy without having to think about hilichurls or the abyss mages.

Razor looked at the girl next to him adoringly. He had waited for her and he will continue to do so, no matter how long it'll take.

His hand reached out to stroke her hair, feeling the softness of it under his calloused fingers. In her slumber she had turned her torso to face him, putting an arm around razor to cuddle closer.

It was a cold and breezy night but they felt warm in each other's embrace.


Okay so i was playing on the asian server where I'm only like AR20 and i got diona and xiangling in one roll.

My luck knows no bounds. (I just finished getting fischl in the american server too lol)

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