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On the first school day at the prestigious U.A. High-school, people traveling from all around Japan to attend this college, familiars new and old, and their pairs came to this school. Walking into the high school, Katsuki had his headphones in, listening to his music. Someone accidentally bumped into Katsuki from behind, Katsuki grumbling silent curses. "Ahh, sorry!"

The electric blonde apologized, his border collie halting next to his owner, the red, spiky fur standing out to Katsuki. "Mhm, that you're familiar?" He pointed at the overly hyper dog, who was panting, his little pink tongue licking his teeth. "Ah, this is Kirishima!" He nodded, Kirishima looking up, his tail wagged. "Where's your familiar?" The blonde asked. "He's shy as hell, so he's hiding," "Ahhh, well, I'm Kaminari Denki, and you..?" "Katsuki Bakugo,"

He grumbled. Kaminari smiled, "Well, good luck!" He smiled, giving a small thumbs-up before they started walking; Kirishima's tail wagged as they walked off. "Y'know, Deku," Katsuki spoke, feeling shuffling under his coat, looking down at those beautiful green orbs stared at him under his scarf. "You have to greet people one day," Katsuki blew a bit of hot air on his familiar's face, feeling his familiar bury himself in Katsuki's coat once again; small chirps of disagreement came from under his scarf. "You wanna go back in?" A soft chirp in response to Katsuki's question came from his chest.

Katsuki chuckled, focusing. He could feel the weight on his chest disappear, his tattoo on his wrist lighting up a beautiful moss green, signaling his familiar had gone into hiding. He continued his walk inside, heading to the classroom, bright red letters spelling out '1-A' on the door. He opened the door, taking his scarf off, shoving it into his bag. All heads turned, seeing the blonde. "Ayye, Bakguo!" The blonde from before yelled, smiling. Katsuki simply spared him a glance, a simple grunt, and sat down.

By now, everyone was here. The door suddenly opened, seeing a tired-looking male with an equally tired familiar. The male walked in, along with his scruffy-looking Maine coon. "Good morning. I'm Aizawa; we're going to jump straight into it. We're doing fitness tests; put your gym clothes on and meet outside," The male in question, Aizawa walked out of the door, heading outside.


Around 15 minutes had passed as everyone had met outside, seeing the sleeping cat on their teacher's slouching shoulders. "Alright, everyone summon your familiars; I see some already have theirs out," Kirishima barked, his tail kicking up dust. Katsuki simply sat, knowing his familiar didn't like showing itself; frankly, he was okay with it.

Everyone always made a huge deal out of his familiar, and he didn't want to stress the poor thing out. Momo went first, summoning a beautiful Russian blue cat, her pinky tattoo glowing a vibrant purple. The cat purred, rubbing her head on Momo's shin. Next was Iida, his succulent tattoo glowing a black, summoning his drowsy familiar. The large house cat flopped on the ground, looking high. Iida chuckled at Sero's actions, looking at his sleepy black tabby. Koda was; next, his bear tattoo glowing a chocolate brown, the large sun bear suddenly emerging next to him.

Koda hugged his familiar as the familiar hugged back, both smiling, slobber dangled from the bear's lips, making Katsuki scrunch his face. Kaminari simply pets his hyperactive border collie's head, Kirishima whining happily in response. Mina's familiar rested on her shoulder, the small fancy hamster squeaking as it ate a sunflower seed.
Shoji's familiar was perched on his shoulder, the black raven looking quite elegant, tar-black feathers gleaming in the sun. Todoroki sighed, calling on his familiar. A faint red and white gleam came from his forearm, a beautiful white Friesian standing next to him, looking quite mighty.

Everyone fawned over the beautiful horse, boys excluded. Aoyama summoned his familiar, a sparkle tattoo on his left inner wrist glowed a bright, sparkling yellow; a beautiful albino peacock ruffled his feathers, looking quite dazzling. Shinso summoned his, the faint glow of purple from the 'Zzz' on his wrist glowed, his familiar; Lucifer summoning as he laid on his shoulder, purring.

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