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Kirishima VS. Everest.

Everest wagged his tail, pink tongue rolling over his muzzle as he watched Kirishima assume his position on the other side of the ring. Mic chided with Aizawa in the commentary booth as everyone laughed at the petty jokes the two were making as Cementoss returned to his chair after fixing cracks on the side of the arena.

Kirishima seemed excited, right leg twitching. Kirishima's ears swiveled and twitched to and fro while Everest's floppy ears seemed to shift and catch the crowd dulling down as Midnight stood on her metal pedestal - really, it was actually a metal table they had, but nobody needs to know - smiling. She cleared her throat into her mic, silencing the jittery crowd. Her whip flew up, the two dogs looking anxious but mostly excited as she brought it down with a swipe, the crack echoing as the two activated their quirks. Everest activated his quirk; metal absorption, body growing metallic; silver fur getting a materialistic sheen to it.

Everest's quirk allows him to absorb metal from anywhere and is able to manipulate it. He can harden his entire body - as Kirishima can - or manipulate it into certain parts of his body for better movement. Everest targeted a row of empty seats, stripping the strip of seats of their metal bottoms, along with the metal stored in his body already. Everest has a special organ in his body that makes metal and breaks down the metal his quirk absorbs to its purest form for later use or immediate use, giving Everest the purest form of metal and strengthening it. His body grew and stretched, growing to the same height Kirishima was in unbreakable form - which he activated.

The two roared and snarled at each other, jaws unhinged and drooling saliva. They both charged; the thunderous steps of the two heavy creatures clashing together was like taking a hammer to a steel sheet. The clash sent a large shockwave ripping through the air, shaking the metal stand - table - Midnight was standing on, jaws snapping and crushing at each other's body parts. Everest's pearl-colored eyes glowed with the power surging through his body; Kirishima's eyes glowing a neon red.

Their jaws locked together, trying to rip each other to shreds, like tumbling and violet beasts fighting for a mate or territory. These two were fighting for a win. Jaws locked together; they shook their heads like wolves tearing a piece of meat off the bone; the sound of rock on metal was like nails on a chalkboard. Blood oozed down from their mouths; neither knew whose blood was shedding as their jaws slid off each other, backing up, heaving breaths shaking their cores. Their heads were lowered, hackles raised as they snarled, circling each other. Their growls rumbled the earth, thundering hearts in their chests beat like ancient drums; thud, thud, thud!

Saliva and blood oozed from their mouths, leaking into the jagged crevices of Kirishima's teeth, rolling off the smooth surface of Everest's metal-covered teeth. They both drew in ragged breaths, defenses wavering as they took their stances. They both drove forward like angry bulls, meeting head-on, foreheads bashing together, sparks flying as they both stumbled back, eyes rolling back into their heads at the same time, their powers fading away.

Everest's metal-covered body absorbed the metal, storing away in the special organ, falling to the ground. Kirishima's rocky exterior faded away, red fur-coated with saliva, blood, and sweat sagged as he toppled over. Midnight caught her breath and righted herself on the once wobbly platform - again, table - screaming out, "KIRISHIMA AND EVEREST ARE DOWN, IT IS A TIE!" Denki cried out, flopping into his chair. Tetsutetsu shut out Monoma's laughs, sagging in his seat.


Sato VS. Tokoyami

Within mere seconds, the fight was over after Sato had downed sugar for his quirk, muscles bulging and brain function dimming. Sato roared, Tokoyami's bones rattling from the loud roar as Sato charged. Tokoyami, who stood where he was standing since the beginning of the round, had a plan. The hulking mass of muscles charged towards Tokoyami, rearing his front right paw back, attempting to swipe the bird out of the arena, but Dark Shadow popped out from Tokoyami's body, the sentient being reaching out quickly and tripping up Sato.

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