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Morning rolled around, and Izuku refused to leave the bed, too tired. Katsuki had to psychically drag the lazy asshole out of bed while he whined and clutched onto the sheets. It was seven AM! Izuku refused!

A loud whine rolled out, his paws clutching the sheets. "Deku, get your lazy ass out of bed!" 'I refuse!' Izuku thought, going limp, his body weighing down. "Stupid bastard! Stop being lazy!" Izuku huffed and unlatched from the bedding, allowing Katsuki to pick up his body like a big cat, his body slinking and dragging down as Katsuki held him under his armpits. 'Asshole,' Izuku thought. Izuku glared at Katsuki, yawning before being held to Katsuki's chest, purring from the sheer warmth.

'If I fall asleep here-' "Don't even think about it, Deku, I'm not lugging your sleeping ass around," 'Shit!' Katsuki closed his dorm room, keeping Deku in his arms, ultimately going against his earlier statement. He continued to hold his drowsy familiar, knowing he'd most likely run into a wall or fall down the steps. Izuku and being sleep-deprived don't mix well. He remembers the last time, watching Izuku tumble down the stairs, then fall asleep at the end of the stairs, halfway off the last stair.

It gave everyone in the house a heart attack, they thought he had died or got knocked out, but the fucker was asleep! Izuku could fall asleep really anywhere, like on a fucking battlefield! Katsuki had gotten into a fight at school, and Izuku fell asleep on one of the guy's passed-out bodies! 'They shall protect you' his ass! But of course, he loves his stupid dragon, no matter where he falls asleep or what. He's happy to have a constant person - Izuku is technically a person, so... - in his life.

Walking into the common room, the room buzzed with life, small groups chatting and playing with their familiars. Katsuki sets Izuku down, who he has to peel off of his chest to get him down. Another thing about sleep-deprived Izuku: he's clingy!

Izuku yawned big and wide, teeth glinting as they catch the morning sun before stalking off to where Kirishima was. Izuku waddled over, crooning at the dog before flopping onto him, making Kirishima huff. Kirishima was like a heater, very warm and fluffy. Kaminari chuckled at Izuku, who was basically melting into Kirishima, croons and soft purrs floating in the air. Watching the two, Kamianri took a few cute pictures before placing his phone away, sliding down onto the ground.

One of Izuku's dazed eyes peeled open, lashes batting before looking at Kaminari. Kaminari smiled, petting Izuku and Kirishima, who seemed very content. Kirishima huffed a bark, looking at Izuku, 'Your heavy~!' Izuku chirped softly, replying, 'Quiet, your warm,'

Kaminari watched the interaction, watching Izuku's eyes go wide, and Kirishima's lip turns into what looks like a smirk; he can't really tell. Both Izuku and Kirishima look at Kaminari, trilling as Izuku buts his hand with his head, demanding pets. Kirishima huffs something in familiar, and Izuku snapped his head over to look at the dog, looking offended. Izuku snaps back, and Kirishima barks before shoving Izuku off, to which he gets a whine in return. Izuku sits up, fur puffed, before lunging at Kirishima, tackling him.

Kaminari wants to separate them, but they start to roll around, play fighting. He unconcernedly retires to the couch, cheering them on as they scamper around the dorm. Kirishima snaps his teeth at Izuku, who does the same, jaws snapping at each other and saliva flying. Kirishima tackles Izuku, snapping his jaws at him while Izuku uses his feet to kick at the other's stomach. Tufts of fur fly in the air, Izuku's fur already starting its shed. A shrill whistle breaks the fight, and Izuku stops struggling, looking over to see Katsuki looking at him, glaring at the tufts of fur falling off of him.

Izuku uses his paw to shove Kirishima's face out of his general vicinity, the dog's morning break smelling awful. Strings of Izuku's shed hair wisps away in the heavy breaths from Kirishima, hot breath pushing the traveling strands away. "C'mon," It was a simple command, but Izuku slipped out from under Kirishima and walked over, tail curling and swishing, the tip starting to become bare as it sheds. Izuku stopped in front of Katsuki, beautiful glowing eyes staring up at the male.

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