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Chat room: the mistake club™

Today 4:36 AM

i want the traitors online now. i'm not repeating myself.

everyone is online

what do you want

UA traitor two
mhm, whats up?

i'll be sending a package in two days contacting a poison called [redacted] I want you to use it to poison the overgrown lizard. I don't care how, all you need to know is the poison is slow working so spiking their food in the morning would be more efficient and it'd take effect in the afternoon. clear?

wait [redacted]? damn

ouu~~ what's that for shiggy 🥺

UA traitor two
that's fine it's mail day in a few days anyways and a few others should be getting mail too so that's our cover


It should be in a small cardboard box, don't trip it. You will fulfill the mission on your own, don't expect us to help if your stuck.

hai hai...
we'll do it.


Traitor 1

Today was mail day, and the day I'd get the poison. I didn't really care if I poisoned Katsuki's familiar; the thing was lazy anyway. I was currently sitting on the soft rug in my room, playing with my familiar. I was giving my lovely familiar treats and stroking their nose and back with my hand.

The familiar shout from Aizawa traveling through the dorm knocked me out of my thoughts, smiling at my familiar, who followed me to the door, heading to the common room. I walked down the hallway, thinking how I should go with this.

I could use my familiar to my advantage to get the poison into Deku's food. It'd be easy to get the poison into Deku's food with my familiar when nobody is looking. That'd easily work. I walk into the common room, greeting everyone as Aizawa hands out mail. There were four packages—one for me, one for Bakugou, one for Todoroki, and one for Kaminari.

Kaminari's was the largest out of all of ours; seeing him rip it open, the sound of the strings in the tape snapping echoed as he opened the box. A large, 50-pound bag of dog food sat in the box that Kaminari had ripped open.

Kaminari hauled the large bag out, the bag almost half his size, as Kirishima wagged his tail and whined; I could already see the droplets of saliva hang from his lips. I thanked Aizawa as I returned to my room, followed by Todoroki and Bakugou.

Todoroki looked stoic, and Bakugou looked annoyed. We all split up, my room on a different floor, only the second so I could take the stairs, but theirs were on the third and fourth floor, so they'd take the elevator.

I do NOT want to be in awkward silence with those two tsundere's in an elevator. The walk up the stairs was quick and easy, hearing the soft hum of the elevator moving up as I passed the elevator, unlocking my dorm room.

My familiar was right next to me before I closed the door, and they shifted to their human form. A swift, chaste kiss and vicious smirks plastered on our faces.

"[Redated], I'm going to get changed," my significant other said, walking over to my closet and the clothes I bought specifically for them. I watched them change before turning my attention away from them, grabbing the box cutter I have for packages.

My significant other joined me on the rug, my slightly oversized shirt on their frame. We stared at the box for a moment before I grabbed the box cutter, the blades unsheathing and clicking as I pressed the little button connected to the blades.

I grabbed the box, my significant other on their chest, hands running through the soft rug we were sitting on, kicking their feet. I used one hand to keep the box; still, the other using the box cutter to slice through the tape - carefully, so I didn't hurt myself - before sheathing the blade and setting it down on the carpet.

I tore the box open, seeing a black bottle, around 2.oz in the thing. It was wrapped in bubble wrap, and it had styrofoam lining the box to keep the thing from shattering. I carefully grabbed the cutter, pushing up one blade as I cut the tape and bubble wrap away, the bottle now free.

Giving my significant other the blade, they sheathed it and locked the button in place, so the blade didn't pop out by accident. "[Redacted], what does the poison do exactly, kill him?" My lover asked as I shook my head, taking the bottle out carefully.

I held it up to my eye, shaking it as I watched the clear liquid slosh around in the bottle. On the side, it had bold white letter spelling out 'TRIGGER,' also known as the drug to make predatory familiars return to their primal roots.

It clouds their human-like senses and uses hallucinogens to think others are wild animals, triggering the effect of hunting. I grinned, giggling softly as I looked at my lover, who was looking at me. "It's called TRIGGER, basically triggering their primal instincts; it's used in illegal familiar fights, usually pumping the things full with it and fighting the other on pure primal instinct."

"It's a slow-acting poison, so it should take a few hours to work. We have training tomorrow, so that's when we spike his food. We'll do it in the morning, so the poison should be triggered by the afternoon when our training is."

"It also has no smell or taste, so; it'll be easy to slip in. It's never been tested on a dragon, and hand-man didn't say how much to use...The amount to make a tiger go ape-shit was 20 drops, but tigers and dragons are basically worlds away..." I started to think to myself before my lover tapped my knee, making me look up.

They were right in my face; their beautiful gleaming eyes filled with such lust, danger, and excitement I raised my eyebrow. My lover cupped my face, their thumb running under my eye, rubbing their fingers over my eyebags, leaning into my ear; I could feel their breath on my ear.

I shivered, feeling their breath on my ear as they talked, my eyes widening at the sentence. I didn't even think about that; it was perfect.
I pulled my face away; mad grins on our faces as I nodded, sealing our malicious plan with a heated, passionate kiss, tongues swirling and clashing together, my fight for dominance won quickly.

We pulled away, blushes on our faces, the wonderous idea of my lover swirling in my head. One more passionate kiss for good luck before we both cuddled together, sleeping the afternoon away.

"We should use the entire bottle, don't you think?"

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