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1-A sat in their classroom, idling chattering. Some of the familiars were having their own conversation, chirps, barks, and caws mowed over by their pairs chatter. The door suddenly opened, Aizawa walking in with his scraggly, shaggy familiar, the class quieting down as they slowly migrated to their seats, familiars returning to their pairs.

Aizawa sighed, giving a glare to the kids who were fumbling with their hands and looking down, their attention now entirely on their teacher. "Today, we're going to USJ; get your hero costumes on and meet me outside,"

Aizawa spoke dryly, walking out of the room as everyone rose from their seats, grabbing their familiars, Izuku being lugged under Katsuki's arm. Walking over to the shelves built into the wall, they opened, all of the students holding their respective cases and familiar cases for support items. The class slowly split up into their respective locker rooms, the ladies going to the right, the males going to the left.


Yayourozu placed her cat, Jirou, down on the bench, the washed-out violet-colored feline purring on the cool metal. Uraraka skittered on the cool metal, burrowing into Jirou's warm tail, relishing in Jirou's warmth. Hagakure's familiar, a Fischer chameleon, rested on her shoulder as she slipped on her hero suit.

The cool, stretchy fabric was almost a translucence pearl grey color, with pale blue gloves and grey-ish white boots. Hagakure swept her pearly silver hair into a high ponytail, giving her familiar a chaste scratch on his chin. Yayourozu slipped on her costume, smoothing out the outfit as she placed her belt on, her magnetized book clipping to the metal plate.

Jirou perked up, purring as she stood, stretching before leaping over to her pair, landing on the metal platform with grace, like it was hers. Mina pulled her skin-tight suit onto her body, pulling it up a bit more to make sure it was snug and didn't have wrinkles.

She placed her small, cropped jacket on, putting her specially made boots on and her eyewear as she smiled, picking up Uraraka. Tsuyu had pulled her goggles over her head, fixing them into place as she croaked, smiling as all the girls complimented each other.

The girls all exited their locker rooms, their heads held high as they walked to the front where Aizawa was waiting.


Katsuki, Kaminari, Iida, Koda, and Shinso all filed into their locker room, their cases securely in their hands. Izuku was lazing around Katsuki's neck, unease swirling in his gut. Katsuki didn't seem to notice his familiars unease, setting the dragon down on the bench, curling up into the cool metal.

Katsuki unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off as he folded it, slamming it into his locker with unnecessary force. Slipping on his top, he fixed it over his chest before stripping his pants, pulling up his puffy army pants.

He grabbed his gauntlets, making sure there wasn't anything wrong, nor were there any cracks or breaks in the halves before clicking them together and locking them down with the handle-like tank of nitroglycerin that slides into place. He finished building his gauntlets, fastening his boots, before slipping his gloves on, whistling to his familiar, who was half asleep on the bench.

Lazily opening his eyes, Izuku let a big yawn break, his jaws opening as wide as they could, glaring white teeth on display before sliding off the bench. Getting picked up by Katsuki, Izuku slinked around his neck, his eyes filled with worry and unease his pair picked up on.

Katsuki looked at his distressed familiar, the same feeling of unease filling the pit in his gut. Whenever Izuku gave him that look, it meant something bad was going to happen. He learned to trust his familiar since the last time his familiar gave him that look, he was almost kidnapped because they wanted his familiar, but Izuku wasn't having any of it.

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