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Izuku VS. Kirishima

Midnight stood on the metal stand, watching the two slink into the arena. She eyed the two, watching their faces hold soft expressions, Kirishima's tail wagging behind him. Izuku looked at Kirishima with a doe eyes expression, soft chirps rolling from Izuku's throat. Midnight cleared her throat, smirking, watching Mic stand. "WHOOOO IS READY FOR THE FINALS?!" The crowd went wild, screams and cheers echoing as flags fluttered, showing their support.

Midnight clicked her heel, silencing the crowd, raising her whip into the air. "READY..." The crowd leaned forward, gripping their seats. "SET..." Katsuki watched the field, waiting for the battle to start while Denki watched, nerves flaring, "GO!" The tension was thick as everyone sat at the edge of their seats, watching. Midnight gulped, drawing her whip up, the purple tassels shifting as she brought it down with a deafening crack, silencing the crowd.

The two familiars stand on either side of the slab of the concrete arena, glowering and posturing at each other. Izuku's posturing made him look larger, chest puffed and neck straight up from his usual slouched position. His once doe-eyed look was now a colder, monotone look our traitors knew quite well. Kirishima's posturing was head low, ears back, hackles and shoulders raised. His body was starting the change of unbreakable mode, elongating his body and bones.

The two didn't move, staring at each other as they both started to growl, their throats vibrating and bellies tightening as they tried to make the other submit. Neither back down as they started to move, Kirishima's first movement fluid as he formed into unbreakable, body shooting up and hardening, starting the circling.

Izuku followed, his steps quiet, the only sound was his claws tapping on the ground and the sound of antlers cracking and growing, branching out as vines speedily grew, climbing up the base, branching out and sprouting flowers. The two watched each other, calculating who took the first step and lunged before the skies became stormy. Everyone looked up to see the clouds darken over Musutafu; the tell-tale of lighting burning and rumbling overhead had people gasping.

Izuku's dark eyes glowed lime green, his antlers buzzing and crackling with green lighting, smoke pouring out of his mouth. Kirishima opened his mouth, eyes glowing bright red as the earth rumbled, chunks of stone pillars and roots shot out of the ground, the two stopping their circling
They both lunged, paws shaking the earth as they roared and howled, closing in on each other as they both pushed off, front paws pushed out and back legs used as springs as the sky cried out, a massive bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

Everyone gasped as shoulders and limbs clashed with each other, both duking it out. Kirishima's sharp, once dull nails swiped, catching skin. Warm droplets of blood painted Kirishima's nails as they raked across Izuku's muzzle. Izuku spat out blood, the red liquid staining his pearly white teeth as he snarled, jumping back from each other; a slit in Izuku's muzzle bled onto the floor.

Their snarls and the sound of thunder rolling out had people clutching the ends of their seats and their seatmates. The two panted, staring before rushing forward, the buzzing from the lightning curling around Izuku's antlers spread to his whole body, wings circled with green lighting as he shot forward, claws accompanied with lighting as he struck, bringing his paw down as it cut through the air. It was silent for a moment before slashes in the air cut through the concrete slab like nothing, breaking it and slicing through the roots Kirishima had summoned and shot at Izuku, the roots slamming into the stadium wall and creating a large bang.

Izuku had shaved down Kirishima's right side spikes quite a bit as the redhead grumbled quietly; it'd look quite odd once he was out of unbreakable form. He'd have to get shaved down...again. Kirishima shivered; he hated vets.
Twisting his eyes back to Izuku, who licked away the small river of blood seeping down his muzzle before they lunged at each other, Kirishima staying lower to the ground as he went for a leg. It was too late for Izuku to pull back before Kirishima's knife-like, stone teeth dug into his leg, breaking the rows of scales and digging deep.

Izuku let out an ear-aching cry; lighting sparked in his throat as his non-stuck hand tried to pry Kirishima's pit bull-like jaws open, eyes wide and manic as he clawed, the glow of lighting in his throat glowed on the backs of his teeth. His right arm came crashing down, his sharp nails chipping Kirishima's rocky exterior, flecks of red rock flying everywhere, clipping the rocks down to the skin hidden as he sunk his claws in, Kirishima's head nearly rearing back in pain, a muffled howl burning in his throat as he locked on harder to Izuku's leg.

Blood painted his smooth and milky white claws as blood waterfalled down Kirishima's right arm as Izuku's large and strong muscle of a tail clipped Kirishima's leg; the sound was like a log hitting the rocky bottom of a cliff, a large thud echoed as Kirishima let go before he fell, teeth dripping with Izuku's blood and saliva. Izuku opened his wings and shot back a few feet, paws stretched out as his left twitched and gushed blood as he landed. The gloomy sky turned darker as Izuku's eyes grew brighter, Kirishima's eye's glowing an almost neon red from their usual crimson as the crowd cheered while they panted.

Kirishima's right shoulder shook, his right foot refusing to put weight on it, blood dripping down the rocky leg. They both bent, the lighting coursing around Izuku's body sparked and grew as Kirishima's roots and clumps of dirt shifted and grew as they ran, pain overwashed by adrenaline.
Blood splattered on the ground as they put all of their power into this last lunge, the tie-breaker, as everyone watched carefully. 1-A was screaming their heads off, along with 1-B, who watched, their familiars howling out in their familiar language as the crowd went wild as they connected.

Kirishima's roots shot out, stone pillars flying in as well as Izuku called from the sky, two large bolts of lightning rained down, spreading as the entire arena lit up, roots burned away in the immense heat of the branched out lightning that attacked them, along with the stone pillars breaking into tiny pieces. Izuku's jaws widened as his jaw hit Kirishima's neck, taking the air out of the titan; his glowing red eyes widened as Izuku's jaw locked down and drove him into the ground, a large thud echoing, the concrete under Kirishima cracking as the gust of wind rippling the grass and running up the sides of the stadium, into the crowd as the light cleared and the dust settled.

Izuku had Kirishima pinned by the throat, wheezing and snapping his jaws at Izuku, beads of bloody saliva flying as Izuku held strong, right arm slamming into the dog's belly and buzzing with lightning, shocking the dog, feeling the muscles lock up under the jolts. Kirishima was still struggling, unable to move too well; the tightness around his neck and lack of oxygen made his eyes almost roll into the back of his head. The redhead fought for consciousness; a gravelly voice broke his fight, body freezing, "SUBMIT,"

It was the same voice from USJ; the deep and assertive voice racked his very soul, heart hammering in his chest as he fell lax against his will, panting. Kirishima's body gave into the lack of oxygen, breath stolen away as his eyes rolled into the back of his eye-sockets, passing out as Izuku's lock jaws released his neck, allowing Kirishima to breathe again. Izuku's right paw stayed on Kirishima's stomach, wings flying open as he tipped his head to the sky, letting out a victorious cry, the roar carrying and the sky clearing as he panted. "AND DEKU WIIINS THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!"

Mic cried out, falling into the seat behind him, shaking with nerves as Aizawa also leaned back, letting out a huff. Goosebumps fill the entire stadium's arms and bodies from the fight as the crowd stood, screaming out cheers. Later, Kirishima will spit out tufts of fur while everyone watches with amusement at Kirishima's suffering while Izuku smugly eats his fiery Katsudon, a gold medal hanging on his neck.

Good times.

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