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The earth-shattering roar echoed; Izuku looked down at the ground, tipping forward, diving down, the vines on his large elk-like antlers whipped in the air. Katsuki held on, gripping an antler as they picked up speed before Izuku threw his wings open, slamming against the rushing wind, muscles tensing as he growled, watching as villains looked up to the sky.

Their classmates were in the clearing where Mandalay fights off a man with a lizard quirk, kicking his giant sword, the smaller swords, spears, knives, and axes tied together shattering, clattering to the ground. Izuku landed, sweeping his tail, the muscular appendage slamming into a woman's stomach, the large magnet-like weapon clattering to the floor as she flew into the forest, hitting a tree, knocking her out.

Izuku snarled, a near-feral look on his face, saliva slipping from his jaws, making his teeth glow. More villains emerged from the forest; a man with black spiked hair with blue fire crackling off his hands glared at Izuku, who glared back, claws digging in. A shire stallion with blue fire as hair stood behind the black-haired man, cold cerulean eyes staring at Zephyr.

Smoke blazed and billowed out of Izuku's flaring nostrils, embers sparking and crackling in the foggy smoke, standing his ground. Izuku could feel the fatigue growing but stood strong, not allowing himself to falter. Katsuki carefully slid off of Izuku, palms crackling with explosions, lighting up orange and yellow. A girl at the back, a crazed look in her eyes, moved her hand slightly, ad the click of a gun was heard over the dangerous tension.


A boy no older than fifteen came out of the forest, a gas mask covering his entire face, wearing a black gakuran uniform, pointed a revolver, the metal glinting with moonlight as he pulled the trigger. His hands were shakey; the smell of sweat and metal was clear in the air as everything seemed to slow down. The bang of the gun echoed in everyone's ears, all eyes widening as the villains smirked. The sound of the hammer slamming into the metal resounded, sounding similar to the clap of thunder Izuku's lightning made.


Izuku couldn't react, his fatigued body unable to track the bullet, seeing it pass right by his shoulders, wing starting to outstretch to intercept it, but it was too late, too quick. Izuku whipped around as the bullet struck Katsuki in the abdomen, tearing through Katsuki's black tank-top, the fabric ripping as the bullet lodged into Katsuki's body. Izuku's body shifted into his human form without thinking, without a shirt, pivoting on his foot, black sweats hanging on his waist, hair tousled and drenched in sweat, some curls sticking to his forehead, large muscular arms outstretched, about to grab Katsuki.


Katsuki didn't know what happened; one second, he was standing next to Deku; the next, he felt numb. Why was he numb? What happened? Katsuki didn't know; his brain felt fuzzy, his vision clouding with what seemed to be...tears? Katsuki doesn't cry, so why is he crying? He's confused. He felt a warm, sticky liquid stain his shirt and skin, looking down as he choked on blood in his mouth. Blood?

He feels numb; he doesn't see much, nor hear much, only the faint screams of his classmates as his calloused, shakey hand trail to his stomach, pressing and seeing his hand doused in blood. His blood? Katsuki felt dizzy; he never liked being dizzy. Being disoriented and nauseous wasn't something Katsuki liked. And he felt like he was falling, his body becoming light yet heavy, light as a feather but weighing as much as a ton of bricks; as he fell to the ground, sweaty, large arms caught him.

Deku. He could feel the familiar scars brush his own hands and body, the many scars dancing around his hands and arms, as he cradled the blond. "Ka-... Han—....don't-! ...Lea... me-!" He couldn't hear; he could only make out a few words. His mind and body felt fuzzy, his eyelids drooping, his non-bloodied hand clings to Izuku's body, tears bubbling in his hazy red eyes. He was scared, he couldn't feel too much, and he didn't know what was happening.

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