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Heading into the dorm, Deku and I walked in, seeing my classmates sitting around in the common room. I placed my slippers on, trying to slip away unnoticed, but pink bitch - Mina, was her name? - called out to me. "Hey, Bakugo! We're playing Truth or dare, wanna join?!" She smiled, sitting up from the couch.

I hissed about to tell her to go fuck off, but Deku's tail slapped my back, a small warning growl coming from him. I looked at my familiar, betrayed, before sighing. "Let me fucking change, first," I hissed, pointing out that I was still in my school uniform. She nodded, exclaiming that I was playing as loud as she could as I walked away with Deku by my side.

We made it to the elevator as I looked down at my dragon, who sat patiently next to me, looking at me with those beautiful emerald eyes. "Fuckin' traitor," I grumbled, petting his warm, mossy head. Deku chortled, vibrations passing from his body to my hand as he walked out of the elevator, leaving me to catch up with him.

I sighed, opening my door as Deku slithered in, his tail swaying gracefully as he laid on my bed while I went to my closet. I grabbed a dark red hoodie with the bright white letters spelling out 'DIE..' I also grabbed comfy sweats and looked at Deku, who purred, closing his eyes, giving me privacy as I changed.

I finished changing, fixing my hoodie as I whistled to Deku as he huffed, slinking off my bed as he crawled up my body, curling around me as he closed his eyes. I chuckled softly, rubbing his chin as I closed and locked my dorm room, walking to the elevator.


Sitting on the common room couch, Deku grumbled a bit, slinking into my lap from the disruption. "Ready?" Pink bitch asked, everyone, nodding. I grunted, petting my sleepy familiar. "Momo, truth, or dare?" Pink bitch asked, almost screeching in delight. Momo, or whatever her name was, was sitting on the sofa, petting her familiar as she thought. "Truth,"

She spoke, smiling. "What's your least favorite thing about your familiar?" Pink bitch asked. Momo's familiar mrrwed in annoyance, rubbing her head on Momo's hand. "Hmm, probably her love of rock music; she refuses to listen to anything else," Momo chuckled, as everyone else chuckled. I was hardly listening, scrolling on my phone as the rest took turns.

I started drifting off into my thoughts, no longer scrolling through my phone as I let my thoughts drift, absentmindedly running my hands on Deku's soft fur and warm moss. 'I wonder what Deku looks like? How tall is he? Is he taller than me? Shorter than me? Older, younger? I wonder what his hair color is? Personality? Skintone?'

'I can already tell what he'll be really curious and probably cuddly. I wonder what his smile looks like. Would he have a pretty smile? I wonder what his first word to me would be? What would he call me? Bakugou? Katsuki? A nickname?! Oh god, a nickname would be so fucking adorable from Deku! We'd have matching nicknames!'

I seemed to snap out of my thoughts when Deku moved, laying straight on my chest, his wings drooping, his head on my shoulder, his front legs around my neck as he napped. This was an often cuddle position for Deku since the poor thing has a little bit of separation anxiety.

He liked being able to lay across me to ease his nervousness and anxiety. I looked up, seeing everyone staring at me and my asleep familiar, silently cooing at me for being so sweet. I hissed silently, glaring at them. "Hey, guys?" Pinky spoke out, making everyone look at her.

I looked over, curling Deku's fur around my fingers as he napped. "Do you ever think what your familiar's parents are like, and who they are?" Pinky spoke out, petting her fat hamster familiar. I looked down, seeing Deku open his eyes; a sad aura swarmed around the familiars.

Kirishima's tail stopped wagging; his once perky ears now lay flopped as he whines. Jirou had stopped purring from Momo's pets, curling up in her lap. Tokoyami seemed unfazed, his feathers ruffling as he sunk deeper into the puffed feathers, dozing off on the arm dude's shoulder.

Pinkys familiar seemed to drop her sunflower, curling in on herself. Sero, four eyes familiar, sought comfort in his pair's arm, getting a pet. Mindfucks familiar seemed unfazed, snoozing away on his equally as tired pair, who was sipping coffee from a black mug with the sign 'no sleep, more depression' printed in white letters.

The only familiar who didn't seem sad was Deku, his once orb-like pupils shrinking into slits as he snarled, his brows furrowed. Saliva pooled in his mouth, threading through his bared teeth.

I quickly calmed him down, petting behind his horn, his soft spot. His pupils blew wide; the soft purrs echoed from the dragon as his muscles relaxed, and he fell back asleep.

Pinky seemed apologetic, trying to cheer her familiar up when Dunce face spoke up. "...Anyways, Bakugou, truth, or dare?" Dunce face asked. I sighed, grumbling as I pet my familiar's back, his slightly tense muscles relaxing under my hands.

His warm silk-like fur glowed under my hand; the warm scales under his thick, warm coat were smooth and cool. "Dare," I hissed, shoving my phone into my hoodie pocket carefully, making sure not to injure my familiar who was lying on my chest. "I dare you to...kiss your familiar,"

Dunce giggled as my face fell. Any form of affection like that ends with me on the floor with a ten-foot dragon smothering me in licks. I groaned, picking up Deku's muzzle, giving it a small kiss, his slowly peeled eyes opening as his tail wagged, purring as he nuzzled me. I thought I was in the free before his eyes snapped open, looking at me and his tail wagged quickly. Oh god, I've got to run!

I'm too young to die to my familiar smothering me in cuddles! I yelped as I carefully pushed him off, bounding out the door as everyone followed, including Deku. Deku roared and purred, running behind me before I was tackled by a seven-foot dragon, who had me in his arms, sitting on his tail and hind legs, hugging me tightly. I gasped, being squeezed where I feel a lung being squeezed out.

"Damn you...dunce face,"


After...that, I was finally released when someone distracted my dragon. He was given a chew toy he destroyed in two minutes flat, returning to around three feet tall and very manageable. I had also cursed out Dunce face and had him in a headlock for a solid minute-and-a-half before I saw the time.

By now, it was around 7:50, and I picked up Deku, holding him like a baby, my hands around his waist, his head on my shoulder as we headed up to my room. Deku's tail snaked around my waist, snuggling closer to me. The soft, calming purrs of my familiar seemed to resound in my ears, his body fully relaxed in my hold. He was like jello or a noodle. I mean, he does look like a noodle half the time...a green noodle.

Yeah, I don't think Deku would appreciate being called a green noodle. I'd be crushed under his weight if I insulted him. Probably not a fun way to go. Sometimes I wonder If he's a cat in disguise, seeing as he purrs and often curls up in my lap like a cat. At least my mother's Persian cat likes him. If I often find them bathing each other, licking each other's furs.

Most of the time, Sugo is covered in small green hairs and usually has green hair sticking out of his mouth after a cleaning session. It's unsettling seeing him hack up green hairballs after their cleaning sessions. I smiled softly at the memories as I slowly opened my dorm, kicking the door shut quietly as it locked automatically.

I yawned, placing my familiar on my bed, the dragon snuggling into his small pile of large, fluffy pillows. I smiled, walking into my bathroom as I yawned, stretching as I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and took a quick shower.


I finished my shower, drying off my body with the warm, fluffy towels I had brought from home. I changed into a slightly oversized black shirt and sweats, shuffling out of my bathroom as I slinked into my covers, the large fluffy pillows sinking under my weight. Deku slowly curled over to my side, his furred arm over my chest as I turned onto my side, hugging my warm familiar as I dozed off, hearing the soft purrs of my familiar.

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