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Uraraka VS. Tokoyami.

The wind swept over the arena, ruffling Tokoyami's feathers as he watched Uraraka clean her paws for the last time, steeling her nerves and finalizing her plan. The camera's panned in closer, allowing people to see Tokoyami holding his head high, cold black feathers shifting in the breeze. Uraraka's ears and nose twitched, whiskers picking up the shift in the wind, the soft grating of chipped cement under her paws, and Tokoyami. Midnight held her whip up, bringing it with a swift crack as they rushed in.

Tokoyami started running on the ground, wings spread out as they reached the middle, Tokoyami took off, right before Uraraka touched him, talons curling over her midsection. Wings opened fully to their rightful wingspan, muscles tensing and pushing down, hearing Uraraka's squeak echo in his ears before they were off the ground with Uraraka in his strong bird feet. Uraraka struggled, trying to bite, claw, or use her quirk on Tokoyami, but curse her stubby arms; she could not reach.

They suddenly breaked midair, Tokoyami's talons unlatching from Urakaka, sending her flying from the sudden break in air and out of bounds. She quickly floated herself inches before the ground, her heart running quickly. She righted herself from her upside position and flipped over, muttering a soft 'release' in familiar, falling onto the ground. "TOKOYAMI MOVES ONTO THE NEXT ROUND!" Tokoyami apologized for jostling her before picking her up - carefully this time - with his talons and flying into the stands, returning Uraraka to her pink-skinned friend and perching on Shoji's shoulder.


Sero VS. Zephyr.

The pristine white coat of the stallion glared with the high sun of the afternoon, cheers of the crowds slowly dying as they watched, waiting for the start of the round. Cold Maya blue eyes glared at Sero, once tamed braided mane now blew wildly in the wind, curled opaque white hair ruffled and pretty.

On the other side of the arena stood Sero, his black coat took in the glaring rays of the sun, heating his body as he crouched low, claws out and ears forward. His high and chill personality didn't reflect the cat that crouched in front of the stallion, once blown wide pupils were now slitted; once rimmed with red now glowed an opaque white. His fur raised, alert. His ears were once droopy and lax now were held high, taking in the sounds. Neither moved the only movement from the winds that started to pick up, ruffling their fur and mane. Midnight held her hand up, handcuffs clinking as she brought the whip down, her voice roaring over the stadium's chilling and gut-twisting silence, "GO!"

Zephyr's eyes glowed a brilliant blue, winds screaming and rearing their heads, twisting and screeching as Zephyr activated his quirk. Zephyr's quirk; wind spirit allows Zephyr to control the winds and create creatures - mainly horses with the wind. He is best with hot wind, worse with the cold wind. It's also where his name comes from, from the wind as he was born on the day the wind blew hard yet gentle. Sero hissed as tape shot out of his elbows covered by fur, catching bits of rubble as the roaring winds picked it up.

The tape from his elbows anchored him as he watched the winds twist and turn, forming bodies of gallant stallions and mares rearing their heads as they neighed. Zephyr reared, a shrill neigh broke through the tumbling and whips of the wind as the sound of thundering hooves rumbling over the arena shook Sero's small body. He could hardly see in the sea of bodies made of wind passing around him, returning to the wall of wind that circled the arena and morphing over again; repeating the cycle; only brilliant Maya blue eyes that seemed to glow in the hot wind.

The adhesive of his tape started to melt and come undone due to the almost vacuum-like current the horses made. The sound of his tape snapping echoed in Sero's ears as he was kicked back by the wind, a yowl leaving his throat as he flipped and rocketed backward, coming to the edge of the arena. Sero closed his eyes, accepting defeat. 'I'm sorry, Iida..!' Sero thought, but time seemed to slow, remembering Iida's soft, warm hands cupping his face as he smiled. 'Do your best, buddy!' Those were the words Iida spoke to him, before the match.

Sero's eyes snapped open as tape shot out; it was about to reach the arena floor when a wind horse grabbed it in its mouth, kicking it up and allowing the tape to rip from Sero's elbow as he was sent out of the wind wall, onto the ground outside the arena. Sero coughed, mind fuzzy, making out, "...ZEPHYR MAKES IT TO THE NEXT ROUND," Sero let out a pitiful 'mrrw' before falling unconscious, the round ending.

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