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It was now around 12, almost six hours since Izuku had unnoticeably took TRIGGER. The traitor and their familiar kept a close eye on the dragon, watching Izuku slither around and duck under Katsuki's explosions, often using his large and powerful wings to knock the explosion back into Katsuki's face.

Izuku lands, his wings folding as he lets out a soft croon, sweat slicking his shaggy fur down. Izuku stands still for a moment as Katsuki goes to fetch his water bottle but hears coughing. The coughs are loud, hoarse, and sound like someone is choking on something. Everyone stops, turning to look around but sees Izuku, pupil's shrunk and hacking up black foam and saliva, his back arched as his wings spread, casting a large shadow as his nails desperately claw at the ground, hacking.

Black foam and froth crashed out of Izuku's throat and mouth, his shiny white teeth now a scorching black, his fur slowly dying black, almost like ink droplets being dropped into the water and expanding. Everyone could only watch in horror, Izuku's green eyes shading over with black, flooding bloody tears fill Izuku's voided eyes, streaking down his face as he continues to foam at the mouth.

The traitors also watch in horror; this wasn't meant to happen! Sure, they weren't told the side-effects, but this sure as HELL wasn't one of them! They looked it up! The only side-effects were 'sudden aggression, hallucinations, extrema hunting tendencies, and uncontrollable rage,' not 'coughing and choking on black saliva and froth'!

The puddle below Izuku's mouth only grew as his body convulsed, shaking as it grew, tendons and muscles snapping apart and expanding, the bloody tears continuing. His bones shattered into pieces, reforming so loud you could HEAR it. Saliva and foam continued to flow out of Izuku's mouth as he grew, his jaws snapping shut as he let out a roar, shaking the entire place. Some had to cover their ears.

Izuku's wings expanded, casting a large shadow over them as he started walking forward, his steps shaking the earth. His large, broken, and blackened antlers cracked on his head; more of the fractured and what looked to be charred antler fell off as his body moved. All of the beautiful, flourishing vines and greenery on Izuku's body were burned, charred, or dead. It was like an infection, spreading against the host's will, taking control. His eyes look like doll's eyes, cold and lifeless.

His body feels like it's being moved against his will, strings attached to each fiber and bone in his body, forcing him to move like the way he is, like being used by a puppet master. His bones whine and cry out for him to stop moving, but the hallucinogens the poison had mixed in with it messed with his mind, no longer seeing the teens in the training room as human, now as prey; fragile, pretty little deers and rabbits, all frozen in fear.

Their smooth and slim frames jittering and shaking in fear, his mind screaming at him. He doesn't want this; why is this happening? What happened? What's going on? It feels like Izuku was having an out-of-body experience, but his soul is tied in a chair, chained and bolted to the ground, his eyelids stapled and forced open to watch. His mind races at a million miles an hour, screaming at him, 'Hunt, hunt, hunt! Blood, food, death! Kill, kill, kill!'

His mind won't shut up, screaming right into his ears, his mind fuzzy and over-flowed with fog. His body lunges forward, jaws snapping as saliva that had pooled in his mouth glops and drips as he runs, the deer and rabbits skittering away, breaking apart. The rabbits run for safety into the buildings and alleyways Izuku is far too large to fit into, and the deer go scampering down the main roads, their little hooves clicking and cloping on the asphalt, making Izuku choose straight, left, or right.

He goes right, seeing but a single deer, the perfect food. Soft, ash-blond fur, quite unusual for a deer, but the hungry beast pays no mind to it, his bloodied tears long gone as his body smashes into buildings, chipping the concrete off in large chunks. The deer stops, turning back before its piercing red eyes dare Izuku to make another move, the feeble three-foot deer staring down the hungry, 27-foot beast. Saliva from the rumbling ache and hunger and the posion drips, the primal instincts messing with his mind.

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