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I've never really had the feeling of needing to go through my student's files, but one student piqued my interest—not the student per se, but the familiar. Izuku, or Deku, as my angry blond student calls him. He's an interesting familiar, sleeping quite a bit, intelligent, and seems to have an ongoing feud with Shoto Todoroki.

An odd person to have a feud with, but who am I to speak? I have an ongoing feud with Vlad King because he replaced my favorite cat mug with a dog mug and all of my cat stickers on my laptop with dog stickers. The damned dog lover. Sure, it may have been in our second year of U.A., and we were teenagers, but that feud never died down, only growing stronger over the years.

Sometimes I'd 'accidentally' hide his dog mug and force him to use the cat mugs I had switched out with our regular mugs and watch him wither in defeat and use the damned mugs or just not have coffee at all. Ah, good times. Anyways, for tonight, I decided, 'Hey, why not be a good teacher for once and do research on a certain student's familiar?' like the good teacher I am.

It was currently 11 Pm, and I have nothing better to do than try to figure out who the hell my students familiar is, down a couple of pots of coffee, and suffer. It sounds like a good Friday night if I do say so myself. I had brewed a fresh pot of scalding, ever-so edgy black coffee.

Of course, I added a hint of self-hate, depression, and insomnia in for a little, you know, flavor. My husband was asleep, snoozing away with my familiar, who was also asleep, laid just above Hizashi's head. His familiar was asleep, the loud cockatoo's feathers were puffed, and he was passed out on our headboard's swing we modified for him, so it had a small swing built onto the board itself.

I opened my laptop, the unholy amount of blue-light burning my retinas was a good kick in the ass for keeping me awake since I had forgotten to turn the brightness down before it was dark, so that baby was full blast on the mode I like to call 'fuck-you-and-be-blind.' Creative, right? Turning the brightness down, I don't feel like going blind at 31, nor do I feel like going bald. Totally unrelated to the brightness of my laptop, but throwing it in for comedic effect seemed right. I set my scalding cup of insomnia down, or what everyone else, like normal people, call it, black coffee.

I set my favorite, best of the best cat mug; the mug's handle was a cat's paw giving you the bird. I love it. It was one of the best things I had that fucked with Vlad King so much whenever I whipped this bad boy out; he fled the room. Some of my greatest moments in life is seeing a grown man flee a room due to a coffee cup. Fucking coward. Hitoshi will definitely not like that half of our black coffee is gone since I made this shit extra potent. He's probably going to come into our room and steal it back, or he might just be passed out. Yeah, he's gonna steal it. Starting my search with the history and all known things about familiars.

I start scrolling down the pages and turn to credible sources, and NOT Wikipedia; that shit is so unreliable. Ahem, anyway, I totally did not get this week's lesson plan off of Wikipedia, nope. Anyways, I had started to open sites in new tabs before opening the first one. I skimmed through it for a few minutes, sipping on my coffee, seeing how familiars came into the life, how the tattoo's work...blah blah blah, all of the stuff everyone knows - hopefully. Hmmm, pop quiz? No, no, focus...but I'm a sadistic- No!

Scrolling down, I stopped. 'The history and lineage of all-powerful familiars known to man.' Down the rabbit hole we go. Whoop-de-fucking-do, I need more coffee.


It's been four fucking hours, and I've figured it out. The only thing I have to say is, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK- Pardon my English. It's terrifying and incredible at the same time; I also wonder if Nezu had figured it out. He's smarter than all of us, that rat...hybrid thing or whatever he is, should have it figured out, right? He's probably getting a kick out of it; the man - again, rat...thing hybrid?? - is a sadist and loves chaos. Off-topic, but it was like stuck in the back of my mind and on the tip of my tongue. I knew he looked familiar; it matches perfectly.

But why? Why was such a powerful familiar with Katsuki? It left me with more questions than answers, and I started to mumble out loud. "Should I ask Bakugou about it? Does Bakugou even know?" Suddenly, a cold, scarred hand ran over my shoulder, making my body freeze. A powerful yet quiet aura roared behind me, my eyes traveling over to see a boy, far taller than me, with black and green unruly locks and many scars on his arm and face.

Deku. This boy has the same scars as Deku in his familiar form, so why the hell is he here?! Izuku's toxic eyes bore into mine, such intensity yet emptiness laid behind them. His toxic green eyes seemed to pulse and have darker rings of green bleed through, my mind starting to become hazy, but I was still alert, unknowingly letting Izuku get his way with me.

"Not a word, Aizawa-sensei. We wouldn't want any accidents, do we?" His voice was emotionless, cunning, and dangerous. The blatant yet underlying threat chilled me to my core; a curt nod is all I could give as confirmation. "If my pair finds out about this, well, we wouldn't want that," Izuku smiled darkly, his hand leaving my shoulder before he evaporated into thin air, my body lurching forward as I caught my breath.

I felt paranoid; how did he get in here?! How did my familiar not pick up on him?! I looked back to see my familiar peacefully sleeping in his spot on my bed - my pillow - snoozing away. Breathing a small sigh of relief, I could still feel my hands twitching. My husband, Hizashi, was passed out right next to where my familiar was sleeping, his familiar perched on our bedframe, puffed up and asleep.

I palmed my eyes, trying to make the uncomfortable feeling go away, my heart racing against my ribcage. What would happen if Deku figured out I had told Katsuki? Would he come for my family? My son? ME? It was terrifying, even more, so that he was in his human form and was able to sneak up on me. Was it because I was - am - tired that I didn't hear him? No, even if I was sleep-deprived, not even my cat could sneak up on me. It wouldn't make sense. I didn't feel his aura till his hand made contact with my shoulder...meaning how long has he been in my room?! He knew I was researching him, so how long was he in here?!

I've been doing this for four hours! He couldn't have been in here for that long, right? It'd be impossible to stay so still and quiet while watching me, and I wouldn't feel someone watching me. Practically impossible! I'm just being paranoid, right? He couldn't possibly watch me for four hours, sneak up on me, and threaten me to keep quiet, right? Yeah. I stood shakily, I might add; my legs felt like jello that had been in hot water.

I changed my shirt, since my unnecessary - is it unnecessary? Am I trying to trick myself into believing that he wasn't in here for four hours? -worrying had soaked the back of my shirt in a cold sweat, getting the same shirt that I owned as the other - only not soaked in sweat and put it on.

After shutting my computer off, I slid into my bed; my husband, Hizashi, turned over and hugged me, pulling me into his chest. I felt comforted in Hizashi's presence, slowly slipping and starting to forget what I was thinking in my sleep-deprived haze, falling asleep. Later that day, I'd forget everything, and my computer's history was wiped clean of that night. If I forgot it, it wasn't important.

Unknown to Aizawa, floating green orbs stayed in the corner, watching him for the rest of the night.

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