Chapter Three

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One week later and two night stands in the making, I am more than ready to return to the mansion. The thing is, I had it all planned.

I was coming extra early and I would leave during the daytime.

No night time adventures.

I roll my car down the drive, looking at the cheap second phone in the cup holder that I bought after dropping my first phone at the mansion in the master bedroom.

You know, after the ghost grabbed my chin. Able to touch.

I shiver at the thought.

This time, when I enter the mansion – I am not disturbed this time.

And for a few hours – I clean like Claudius Fontaine doesn't exist.

It's as I'm nearing lunch time and cleaning toward the back of the house and the laundry area, that things get interesting. I dust over the old sinks and window sill, seeing a cobweb in the frame of the window near the old curtains. I lean over to swipe it – at that point I notice the man on the porch out in the back.

Claudius! I'm almost happy.

He's wearing the same clothes, with two black leather gloves on.

He's watching the overgrown garden, while the wind moves his hair near his ears.

At least the wind wasn't scared of him.

That gives me confidence.

It was also the middle of the day, and the sun was bright.

Don't be weird about it.

I walk to the door and go right outside, moving boldy.

"Fontaine –!" I call to him as I walk out.

I've got my hair in two braids, and a pair of second hand denim overalls, with a cute red top underneath. And nice big boots this time round.

Claudius turns to me, his head slow – his eyes land on me softly but there is some kind of anger there.

"Hello?" I blurt out as well.

I thought the middle of the day would take away the creepy spirit vibe he had. Maybe not as much as I thought.

"Alix," he says my name very quietly. I kind of feel like I've just walked into the principal's office. He pats the wood next to him, "Take a seat."

I walk over a little closer, but my heart leaps into my throat.

If I sat next to him where he pointed, our shoulders would touch.

I get the hibbie jibbies at the last second and side step down the porch to face him instead.

"I prefer to stand," I just raise my brows and smile with gritted teeth, hoping to look awkward enough that I get away with not following his suggestion, "The garden is pretty overgrown – I can probably trim it back. Are there garden tools?" I ask, hopeful.

"The gardener looks after the garden," Claudius talks to me like I'm daft or slow for suggesting I can do it.

My mouth turns into an 'o' but then I think to myself what I was thinking all week.

Don't fall to his manipulation. Bring him to my level.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask him instead, "What have you been up to?"



How was he going to answer this?

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