Chapter Fifteen

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(Y/n) began to read the page about Eddie, but not without feeling a tad bit guilty; She felt she might've been prying too much. Nonetheless, she continued reading his story.

"Edward Mason, also known as Eddie, was raised in a family of six. His father, XXXX Mason, owned a grave-making business while his mother, XXXX Mason, was a mortician. Because of these reasons, Eddie grew up around corpses and death, becoming increasingly interested in them even as a child.

His eldest brother, Albert Mason, who is believed to have had bi-polar syndrome and schizophrenia [it was never confirmed] would have major mood swings and behavioral issues. He was pressured from the time he was born to take over the gravekeeping business his father owned, which made him overwhelmed and stressed throughout his whole life. Eddie, however, was much better fit for the job of taking over the business, considering he had outstanding skills and talent in the category. Adding onto Albert's mental illness, he began to believe that the family pets were mocking him and would beat them or even kill them.

Eddie began to have the desire to bury the pets in a grave of their own, feeling as if they were going into his treasure chest. Considering Eddie rarely got anything of his own, [since he got hand-me-downs from his older brothers most of the time] he felt like this was the way to create an eternal bond that would last forever without anyone stealing it.

Now having this mindset, Eddie didn't want Albert to kill any of the animals and "steal their final moments" from him, so would take the beatings instead. They got increasingly worse as time went on, driving Eddie completely insane."

(Y/n)'s heart felt heavy. Knowing the truth made her feel even more sympathetic and understanding towards Eddie. He was just a little boy who had been abused and misled. Everything he did was to ensure that he wouldn't have to have anything else torn away from him. That's why he was so desperate to kill her.

"You know the truth now, don't you?"

(Y/n) spins around to face Eddie, who was standing by the doorway. He looked severely beaten, blood still coming from his nose and wounds. Immediately, (Y/n) put the papers down and rushed towards the boy. "Eddie, you're back! What did he do to yo-?!"

"You know about me now...right?"


"You know how terrible I am now, right?!" Eddie yelled, clenching his hands into fists. "Y-You know my family hates me now, right?! You know I'll never be accepted and I have t-to stay here forever...RIGHT?!"

"Eddie, what are you talking about?!" (Y/n) snapped.

Eddie wiped his blood from his nose before laughing. "They allllll hate me...I'm so, dad, Al, Carl, George, they all hate me..." he giggles, holding his head in his hands. "I'm such a disgrace to society that no one would ever accept me! Everyone hates me! You guys are the only ones that want me! Even then, I'm unneeded. Just a little kid with no thoughts or feelings...I'm just so worthless that sometimes people forget I even exist!" (Y/n) saw the insanity seeping through his green eyes and heard it dripping from every word he spoke. She grew more and more concerned as he continued to laugh. "In fact...I just wanna die...maybe then, she'll forgive m-!"

(Y/n) slapped Eddie in the face, stunning him completely. She then grabbed his shoulders and shook him around. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Eddie's green eyes filled with emotion after being shocked for a few seconds. Tears ran down his face as she continued to yell at him. "DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF?! NOTHING THAT HAPPENED WAS YOUR FAULT, EDDIE! YOUR FAMILY IS STILL LOOKING FOR YOU AFTER TWO YEARS! THEY MISS YOU, EDDIE! THEY WANT YOU BACK! THEY LOVE YOU! WHATEVER THAT MAN TOLD YOU IS A DISGUSTING LIE!"

Eternal Sleep  (Eddie x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now