Part 1

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Piper's POV

My eyes fluttered open to see my Schuyler sisters poster of Renee, Jasmine, and Pippa. Oh Pippa, one day I'll get to be Eliza on Broadway i though, Eliza was my dream roll, although i would love to play any character. They're all played by the best people. I would love to meet anyone from the hamilcast, i love them all.

I woke up earlier than I usually do so I decided to eat before my foster parents wake up or they will probably make me skip breakfast again because I'm "ugly" and "fat." I start eating quickly and they get up. Uh oh I whisper under my breath. They walk in to the kitchen and look disgusted when they see me.

"Who said you can be eating all our food," Conner, my current foster dad yelled at me, just moments after he woke up.

"I mean, I didn't think it would be such a big deal, you locked me in my room yesterday without dinner and I was just hungry" I tried my best to sound sad, "and it's not like you can't afford more"

They're rich and they choose to give me nothing, food, clean new clothes and even toothpaste.

"Shut up and pour that out before it gets dumped on you're head" he said before walking out.

"Besides, we're doing you a favour, you don't need to put on the extra pounds" Laura, my foster mom, laughed before following Conner out of the kitchen.

I hated when she said stuff like that, I'm healthy, well maybe not so because they don't feed me, apparently i don't deserve food. 

I quickly finished most of it, I had to dump some out or they would see I didn't and they would be mad. I then quickly washed out my bowl, dried it and put it away before running off to my room to get ready for school.

I had to walk to school, they refuse to drive me because I "look bad sitting in the back of their car" they have an expensive car, one I can only dream of having one day, one that's probably more expensive than any house I'll live in when I'm older.

School went the same way it usually does, I sit in the back, I don't talk to anyone unless the teacher calls on me even when I don't raise my hand. I do good in school, I pay attention, get good grades and I don't get in Trouble but my foster parents still think I'm the worst kid alive.

I walked home, it's only the beginning of November but it's cold, not freezing but it's cold. It only takes me 15 minutes to walk but today I decided to take the longer way. Even though I was cold, I didn't want to be home. On the way, I quietly hummed along to the Hamilton soundtrack, it made me happy, forget about real life for just a little.

When I get home, I try to be as quiet as possible.

"What did you get on your test?" My foster dad asked me.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the room he was in to see him sitting on the couch, "I actually got 100%" I said, not trying to sound so proud of myself.

"You rat, you must of cheated" he raised his voice.

I inhaled a shaky breath, "no I promise I didn't, it was an easy test. Almost everyone got super high marks on it" I lied.

If I get anything less than perfect, I'm in trouble. If I get perfect, I'm cheating. I can never win.

"Get outta here, I don't wanna look at you any longer" and I ran upstairs to my room. I laid in my bed for awhile, finding comfort in the posters of my favourite Broadway musicals. I think I fell asleep because all of a sudden it was 6 o'clock and my foster mom was calling me down stairs.

"I shouldn't have to call you twice" she said to me.

"I'm sorry, I was in the bathroom" I lied again to avoid trouble.

"We're going to go see some musical, Hamilton. Get ready" she sounded annoyed.

I gasped "we're going to see Hamilton?" I tried not to sound so existed.

"We're going to see Hamilton" she pointed to herself and my foster dad, "you can wait in the car or something, I don't want you to make a mess in my house while we're gone"

I knew it was too good to be true. But they were letting me in their car this time.

I went to my room and grabbed a sweater before joining my foster parents in the car. It was colder then I thought but I knew they wouldn't let me go grab a bigger jacket. When we got there, they told me they don't want me waiting in the car so I had to sit outside. Now I really wished I had brought my bigger jacket. I just stood amongst many people as they were getting into the theatre. The street slowly emptied as everyone got in to see Hamilton.

I was so close to seeing it yet so far, they were just through the wall. My favourite people who don't know I exist were just through a wall. I sat down against the wall and i got colder fast, I didn't really care. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head into my knees and didn't even notice I had started to cry.

i sat there for only a little before i heard soneone walk up to me. i ignored them, they probably didn't even notice me.

"hey are you ok? it's freezing out here" the person asked me.

i didn't want to bother them, "yup, im alright" i replied through shivers. i hadn't looked up at them yet, maybe they would go away.

Jasmines pov

Today I woke up with a sore throat, I knew I couldn't perform with a sore throat, i could wreck my voice so I called Lin and told him. My understudy's going on for me, she's just as good as I am, she'll do great. Even though I'm not performing today, I still show up to support my friends, who have turned into my family.

They all go up on stage, I give Renee and Pippa a hug before they go and I grab Anthony by the wrist and quickly pull him in to a hug and he kisses the top of my head. No matter how many times he does that, I feel so happy every time.

"I hope you feel better soon" he smiles before following everyone else onto the stage and I stay back in my, Pippa's and Renee's dressing room. I sipped at my tea, it made my throat feel a bit better but what I needed was fresh air.

I made my way outside. I knew Anthony wouldn't want me outside when I have a sore throat but I needed fresh air. As I opened the door to head outside, I felt the cold air hit my face and it felt refreshing.

I walked out the side door and made my way towards the front, sipping at my tea. The closer I got to the front of the theatre, I started to notice quiet cries.

I walked a bit faster, it sounded like a kid.

I turned the corner to see a little girl who looked to be about 12-13, I couldn't tell, she was curled up in a ball. She had dirty blond hair and had a thin sweater on, She must be freezing.

"Hey are you ok? It's freezing out here" I asked her concerned.

"Yup, I'm alright" she said, I could hear her shivering as she talked. 

im very excited to start posting this, i started it awhile ago and im almost done writing it. ignore spelling mistakes, im too lazy to check:)

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