Part 9

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Pipers POV
We get to the theatre and I sit in Jazzys, Pippas and Renees dressing room and I finish my school work fast because 1. I'm super excited and 2. It was easy and there wasn't much anyway. It only took me 25 minutes to finish. There's 20 minutes until they're done and 35 minutes until the show starts.

While I wait, I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram. I haven't been on my phone much recently, I've been happy and when I'm happy, I don't go on my phone.

I scroll till I see a picture of me on Anthony's back. It was taken earlier and Jazzy posted it. It was captioned, "I'd like to thank whoever brought this girl into our lives, I'll be forever happy with these two❤️" and she tagged Anthony. She didn't tag me, I guess because she didn't want people going crazy on my page.

I tapped Anthony's tag in the photo to go to his page. He had posted the same photo captioned, "thanks Jas for capturing this moment, so happy I've been blessed with the two of you" I wanted to cry. I feel so included, I've never felt so included ever.

Not long has passed until jazzy walked back into her dressing room. When she opens the door I just had to give her the biggest hug ever. I think I loved her, not like how it was before I even met her when I would fangirl over her but I think I loved her like she was actually my parent.

It's kinda different with Anthony though. I've had a dad and he used to be my best friend but I've never had a mom. I guess I did once but she died when I was really little, too little to remember her. But I do love Anthony and he is like my best friend. I'm really not looking forward to one day when someone decides to adopt me unless Anthony and Jasmine do but I doubt it.

When I hugged her, she was surprised. I guess I could've waited a second until she actually finished opening the door.

She laughed, "what was that about, did you miss me?"

"no, I mean yes but that's not the reason why, I actually just wanted to give you a hug" I said

"Aw that's sweet but did you finish your school work" she patted my head.

"20 minutes ago" was all I replied

Jasmines pov
20 minutes ago, this girl is pretty smart.
"Great now grab your sweater in case you get cold and let gooo" I said pointing out the door.

She bounced up and twirled out the door. She reminded me of Pippa, she bounces and dances around a lot. I just laughed at her.

Everyone in the cast knew about her and they all knew she was here today but the few people we passed backstage didn't notice her because she's small and walking behind my big dress.

I brought her to a door that led to the audience. I handed her her ticket and pointed towards her seat, we weren't that far. The audience was almost full by now but there were still a few people coming in. She walked out and I watched her sit, make sure she was safe then headed to the wings to get ready to start.

Before I went on, I watched her from the wings and pointed her out to some of my friends. Then I went on and she had the biggest smile on her face which made me happy but I couldn't break character.

Her being in the audience made this the best performance I've ever done. I wanted it to be the best for her but I could feel her happiness from on stage and that's what really made it better.

Pipers POV
As I made my way towards my seat, I noticed a lady sitting next to me and beside her was a guy from my class oh my I thought to my self, hopping he didn't notice me. Beside him was a girl I didn't recognize and in the other side of my seat was some random person who look to be pretty young.

I sat down, "mom can we switch seats?" I heard him say to the lady next to me.

They switched seats and he leaned towards me to whisper something, "you weren't at school today"

"You noticed?" I asked. People don't usually notice me even when I'm there.

"Uhh yeah" was all he replied. "Why weren't you there?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"I was settling in to a new home" I told him.

"Oh right, I heard what happened" he said.

"You heard, does everyone know?" I didn't want everyone to know.

"No, I just heard some teachers whispering about it, I'm sorry you had to go through that"

"Thank god, I don't want the whole school knowing but I'm fine now"

"So where are your new foster parents" was this boy going to stop asking questions.

"Umm there here somewhere" I told him, "I didn't know you liked Hamilton" I changed the subject

"Oh I had to beg my mom to bring us here" he said and I laughed

"Shh it's starting" he laughed back.

When intermission came, he left to the bathroom and I went backstage and sat with Jas and Anthony in some hallway.

"how was it so far?" Jas asked me.

"It's amazing! You two are just perfect" i said "except I did cry during Laurens Interlude"

"I saw that" Anthony laughed.

We spent the rest of intermission laughing. Before I went back to my seat, Anthony gave me a hug and I saw Jasmine with the biggest smile.

During stay alive reprise, I was crying, so was Lucas, the guy from my class. During its quiet uptown, i was crying more.

During curtain call, I was so tired but was not about to close my eyes and miss curtain call. I looked at Jazzy and she winked at me.

"Did you see that, Jasmine Cephas Jones just winked at you" Lucas said, nudging my arm.

"Oh what, no she didn't" I lied to him.

"Yes she did and she's still looking at you" he sounded like he was fan girling.

I laughed, "ok if I tell you this, you can't tell anyone" I said to him

"Tell me" he said

"Ok, Anthony and Jasmine are my new foster parents" I yawned, I was really tired.

"No, that can't be true" he said in disbelief, "unless it's you in their new Instagram post" he said finally realizing.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone" my eyes tried to close on me.

"Mhm" he mumbled, he sounded tired too, "I'll see you at school right" he said standing up. I nodded and stood up too.

I walked towards the backstage door when Anthony came through and picked me up, "surprised you stayed awake the whole time, you look exhausted" he laughed.

I looked up and saw Lucas, he saw Anthony carry me and his eyes widened and I just rested my head in on Anthony's shoulder.

We made it backstage to Jazzy, "keep your eyes open a little longer we're going home" she whispered to me and I felt her lean up and kiss Anthony on the cheek.

When we got to the car, my eyes closed just a few minutes after we started driving.

"You still awake" Anthony asked but I was too tired to answer. Then I heard his head turn back to look at me, "she's already sleeping" he laughed and that was the last thing I heard before I actually fell asleep.

When we stopped, I felt Jas wiggle my arm, "we're home" she said and I got out of the car to walk inside.

I took a few steps before Anthony grabbed me, "come on sleepy head, let's get you inside" we made it inside and I went straight to sleep.

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