Part 25

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(2 ish month later, I have no clue what month I'm in with this.)

"It's your birthday!" Piper almost yelled as she ran out of room, jumping into the couch next to Jazzy.

Jasmine smiled at her excitement, "what are you going to do today?" Piper asked eagerly. She had school that day and then gymnastics after that so she couldn't really spend the day with Jazzy.

Going back to gymnastics was hard for Piper and still is a struggle for her after being shot in her shoulder. It still hurts when she tries to do things but she still tries anyway.

"Probably lay in bed all day until we have to do the show later"  Jazzy half lied to her. She was going to lay in bed and sleep in later, after taking Piper to school but she also had plans with Anthony, plans she couldn't share with a 12 year old.

"That's boring" she sighed.

"Yes, very boring. Now get ready for school" (right here I realized there's no school in July but I'm just gonna keep going with it)

After bringing her to school, Jasmine had settled herself into bed, wanting to sleep longer but instead she checked her phone. Finding all these texts from her friends, she replied to all of them, getting calls and facetimes too. After texting, calling and FaceTimeing her parents and her closest friends that all wished her a happy birthday, Jazzy made herself comfortable in bed, cuddled up next to Anthony.

After she fell asleep, Anthony smiled to himself and kissed the top of her head before gently getting up, careful not to wake her. He walked out of the room and set up a surprise party, inviting the cast over once he was done but he had to do it quick cause he knew she wouldn't sleep long. He also made sure to invite them once he was done because he knew they wouldn't be the best at being quiet.

Once he was done, he returned to his spot next to her. She woke up just a few minutes later.

"You're awake" he smiled

"I wasn't as tired as I thought I was."

She got herself ready, not ready for a party she didn't know was going to happen but ready for not laying in bed.

She left her room and right away, Pippa was walking past.

"Oh shoot" Pippa sighed

"What?" Jazzy questioned.

She kept walking and was greeted by a loud "surprise!" Which made her so happy. She was glad to have her friends.

They spent awhile together, mostly talking and spending time together, as if they don't spend so much time together already. At one point they even had pictures of little Jazzy out.

"I'm getting Piper from school, you and Anthony have reservations is an hour-"

"What?" Jazzy interrupted Daveed, "we have a reservation?"

"It was part of the surprise" Anthony told her.

"Oh" she chuckled

"Like I was saying, I'm getting Piper from school, you guys are going out and we'll all see you later at the theatre" Daveed explained, "and after, we don't want you guys having too much fun" he teased, winking and making Jazzy push him lightly.

We could just say, they did have too much fun:)

I didn't update last week and idk why cause I usually remember. Sorry for the wait yall. Moving on, I have an audition on Monday and I'm not completely stressed out over it yet

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