Part 3

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pipers POV

OH MY GOD! I'm in a room with Renee, Jasmine and Pippa, this is 100% the best day ever, nothing in my life will top this.

"I can't believe I'm here, I have a poster of you three in my room and I'm just, here with you guys" I exclaim in disbelief.

"you're a fan of Hamilton then?" Renee asked as if it wasn't obvious.

"Nope, hate it" I joke and they laugh. It hurt me a little to say that even if it was a joke.

We talk for a little, "Piper could you pass me my water , its right next to you" Pippa asked me.

"Y-you know my name" I ask in amazement and disbelief, grabbing her water bottle from next to me.

She giggles and it was the cutest thing ever, "you know my name, why wouldn't I know yours?"

"right, that makes sense" i say, passing Pippa her water.

"thank you" she basically sings which makes me laugh.

I few minutes go by and we share a short conversation. I act cool but I'm freaking out on the inside.

"Pippa and I are gonna go join the rest of the cast, it was nice meeting you Piper" Renee says and I jump out of my chair and hug her.

"it was amazing meeting you" I whisper to her "both of you" I say hugging Pippa.

I sit back down and they leave, I exhale a big breath, was that even real.

"You look so adorable right now, you have the biggest smile" Jasmine said.

"Thank you so much for letting me in here but don't you want to go join everyone? I can go" I said to her

She got a confused look on her face, "there's no way I'm letting you go back out there to freeze and besides, i think you're much more fun than them"

"That's a lie, those are the best people on the planet, I can't possibly be more fun than them" I said and she just laughed.

We spent the next while just talking and laughing. Pippa and Renee came in and out, changing when they came in one last time, the show was over.

Jasmines POV

"Oh shoot I have to go" Piper said worried when Renee and Pippa came in and we realized the show was over.

"Thank you so much for everything Jas, but I need to go now" she ran out of the room.

I looked at Pip and Renee confused before running after her, she looked scared. I follow her out to the street where so many people are leaving and I lose sight of her. I start to panic.

She's probably fine, just got in the car with her parents and left but what if she was kidnapped or something. I shouldn't worry, she's not even my kid but I feel responsible for her. About 10 Minutes by and the streets clearing out and I spot her.

She's standing alone with her head in her hands, she's crying. I run up to her, "piper are you ok, what happened?" I ask worried.

She looks up at me and I see her face covered in tears, "they forgot about me" she cried and I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, it's alright, I can bring you home" I comfort her but I'm really mad now. They leave her outside alone to freeze or get kidnapped or something then they forget her, I wanted to punch someone.

"You would do that?"

"Of course" I felt her tears wet my shirt and I grabbed her hand and brought her back inside.

When we got back in my dressing room, Renee and Pippa were still there, gathering their things and they looked at us with a confused sad face.

"They forgot about her" I whisper to them.

And their faces go from sad to mad.

I turn to Piper and wipe the tears off her face. I text Anthony letting him know. We sit and wait for him to be ready.  

When we get In the car, it's silent for a moment before Piper let's out a quiet sequel, "I'm in a car with Jasmine Cephas Jones and Anthony Ramos" and we both chuckle.

"Hey did you know you both have the same birthday" I tell him

"Yo that's pretty cool" he turns around to high five her.

A few minutes go by and she's telling us the directions. We make our way towards a rich neighborhood and I got thinking, why would rich people foster a kid only to treat her like sh*t, why would anyone do that?

We got closer, "you alright, you look scared?" Anthony asked her and I glanced at her, she did look scared or worried.

"I'm fine now but I won't be when I get home" she says and I get concerned.

"what do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh nothing" she covers for herself but I know she's not telling me something.

"Here I'll just give you my number, just in case you need it" I quickly write it down on a random piece of paper. Why would I give this girl my number?

We pull up to her house, "I think I should bring you to the door, have a talk with your foster parents"

"Uh no ill be ok, thank you so much for everything" she reaches up to me and tries to hug me, its kinda at an awkward angle because she's in the back and I'm in the front.

"and you too" she looks up at Anthony and quickly leans over to him to try hug him before she gets out and runs into her house.

"I think we should wait a minute, see if she's ok" I say, still looking at the door she disappeared behind. I really hope she's alright.

Anthony puts his hand on my shoulder, "she'll be just fine. You did good taking care of her for awhile and she didn't want you to worry about her"

I give him a smile, "you're right, let's go before I end up running up to her door" I laugh and we drive home but I'm still worried for her.

dear like the 3 people reading this, next update wont be until probably Thursday when i should get my phone back since its been broken and i don't like posting from a laptop.

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