Part 15

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Pipers POV
Me and Ant spend a lot more time together since he broke his ankle but he also spends a lot of time alone when jas is performing and I'm at school or gymnastics.

Usually while we're home together while Jazzys performing, we're on the couch. I don't have a problem with it, we've watched too many disney movies, too many sing alongs but I'm not complaining and neither is he.

I help him run his lines so he doesn't forget, I don't think he would but he still needs to.

Todays Jazzys last day on break for Christmas. Anthony's at the doctors, me and Jas decided to make cookies for when he gets back.

"No you can't eat the raw cookie dough" Jazzy says as she mixes in the last ingredients

"Aw but-"

"No, you'll get sick" she opens the cupboard.


"Shoot" she closes the cupboard and grabs her phone.

"What?" I ask

"We don't have any chocolate chips" she says, "I'm gonna ask Pippa if she has any"

She calls her and puts her phone on speaker and places it in the counter, "heyy pippa" she says.

"Hi Pippa" I say.

"Hello both of you, why are you calling right now?" She questioned

"Are you home right now?" Jazzy asks

"Yes, why?"

"Do you have chocolate chips?"


"Great" Jasmine says

"But why-"

"Talk to you later" she interrupts Pippa

"Byee" me and Jas say at the same time

"Alright, bye" she sounds confused. After we hang up, we both laugh. We confused her.

It's snowing and we walk to Pippas, she only lives a block away.

We get there and Me and jazzy decided we would prank Pippa. I know on the door while Jazzy stands to the side where Pippa won't see her.

"Hello" she opens the door. She looks at me the crouches down to my height. I was fake crying.

"Pipes what's wrong, where Jazzy?"

"We we're walking here, she was taken" I cry

"What are you talking about" she sounds very worried and she hugs me.

Then I start laughing and Jazzy jumps up, "you two are the worst" she pushes me gently out of our hug

"You love us" I say as she opens the door for us to come in.

"Yeah I do. You really just cry at my door for a prank and I believed you"

"Cause she's an actress, a damn good one" jazzy follows me in

"Yeah, I'll be on Broadway one day" I smile

"I'll be there when that happens" Pippa sat down on the couch.

"We both will. Do you have chocolate chips and can we have some?" Jazzy asked

"I always have chocolate chips, why do you guys need them" she opened the cupboard to take them out.

"We were making cookies but we ran out" I say

"Yeah you can have them only if you bring me cookies" she hands me the chocolate chips

"You can have some if Anthony doesn't eat them all" Jazzy chuckles

We talk for a little before going home and finish making our cookies then go get Anthony from the hospital.

"Don't eat all the cookies, I'm taking some to rehearsal tomorrow" she told Anthony, "I told Pippa she could have some because she gave us the chocolate chips and I bet Thayne will eat the rest" she chuckles

Anthony's POV
Jas is at rehearsal, I'm at home with Piper, I need to be in a cast for two more weeks then by the end of January, about 4 weeks from now I can go back to performing.

One month and 2 weeks till Valentine's Day, mine and Jazzys anniversary. I've been thinking about proposing to Jasmine for awhile but I don't know how, what if she says no. Then I thought, to make it even better, I could ask Piper to help me.

"Her Pipes" I say

"Mhm" she turns to look at me

"I'm gonna ask you something ok," she just looks at me, waiting for me to continue, "I want you to help me propose to Jazzy"

"Yeah sure" she says and pauses for a moment, "Wait what?!" She jumps up and runs towards me.

"Where are you going to do this, when, how?" She attacks me with questions, a huge smile on her face. I laugh at her.

"I haven't thought of that yet" I tell her.

"What you asked my help and you haven't even started planning anything yet"

"You're right. Forget I said anything, I'll come back to you when I've planned something" I laugh

"No no, we have to start planning now" she moved closer to me.

We started talking about it, we couldn't come up with anything yet. Then Jazzy came home and we ate.

Piper was in the kitchen, me and Jas on the couch when she gasped and ran towards me. Me and Jasmine looked at each other confused.

Piper whispered in my ear an idea, "yes that's perfect" I say before whispering something else in her ear.

"What are you to whispering about?" Jazzy raised her eyebrows at us

"Oh nothing" Piper smiled at her, a big guilty we have a huge secret smile.

"Really cause that face says otherwise" she chuckled, "Ant?"

"We can't tell you yet but you'll love it. Hopefully" I told her. I admit I am scared she'll say no or leave me or anything terrible.

"She'll love it" piper smiled and sat down between us.

"Ok... you guys are making me nervous, look at the big stupid smile on both of your guys face" she chuckled nervously

"I promise you'll love it" Piper leaned towards her, "how was the show today?" She asks

"It was ok, I miss having you backstage waiting for me though" Jazzy pokes at Pipers side.

"Hey what about me" I pout

"You know I miss dancing with you onstage" she smiles.

Does anyone else get embarrassed for no reason after posting? No one I know knows I have this account but I just feel like people are actually reading my horrible writing and that's embarrassing for me but I keep posting anyway

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