Part 20

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Jasmines POV
It's been a few weeks and we've been non stop wedding planning but today we're taking a break because it's Pipers first gymnastics competition. We were going to go watch, Lin and Groff are coming too along with Emmy with Daveed.

"Are you nervous?" Anthony asked her. She smiled and shook her head

We walked in The building, "you guys are here" Piper ran towards Lin and Groff.

"We weren't going to miss our little star doing her thing" Lin said

Then Emmy walked over to us, "we made it" she smiled

"Emmy!" Piper jumped into her arms

"Hey I want a hug too" Daveed followed a few feet behind.

We all walked into the gym together. I've never been to a competition like this before, how does it even work.

"You're going to do great" I hugged her before she went off to join her teammates.

"Good luck" everyone said as she walked off, she turned around and smiled.

"There's so many other people here, how do you think she's gonna do" Daveed asked

"I think she'll do great but I may be a little bias" I shrugged

"I know she'll do amazing" Groff said confidently

"She's a star, of course she'll do great" Lin assured

I was nervous. I don't know what could happen. She could get stressed out or hurt herself.

"She's not competing against everyone here. There's different age groups and different levels competing at the same time" Anthony told us

"And how do you know this" Lin asked

"While I spent all that time at home with a cast on we talked about it a lot and it's actually interesting. There's 4 different events" he pointed out all of them, naming them

"She says beam is her worst event and bars is her best." He told us

He went on, explaining everything he learnt from her. I couldn't stop thinking about what could she be thinking. I know she said she's not nervous but she always wants us to think she's ok.

They started warm up, "that's just their warm up? That looks like some Olympic sport right there and they haven't started competing yet" Lin said, making us laugh

"Guys she's starting" Emmy watched as she took her place.

"How does she do that stuff" Lin whispered, not stopping watching her.

She did amazing. When she was done there were a few cheers but not many, just ones from her teammates and their parents, the other people are busy watching their own kids. Groff jumped up and cheered the second she finished

Her teammates cheered her on the whole routine and hugged her when she was done which was cute.

"they compete in Olympic order and She started on floor so they're going to vault next" Anthony pointed to their next event.

We cheered on her teammates as they competed too. Then when they went to vault, she went last.

"How is she so fast" Lin said as she ran, "and how does she flip over that thing"

"It's a vault table" Anthony chuckled. I think it's cute how he remembers all the stuff she told him.

"She's going to bars next, the one she says is her best" Anthony points

"I think they're all her best cause she's freaking amazing" groff said.

Lin's questions about how is it possible that she can do all that stuff kept up the whole time.

She walked up to us when she had time, before she went to beam.

"Hey you're doing amazing" groff high fived her

"How do you think you're doing?" Emmy asked

She told us her scores that she's gotten so far, I have no idea what they mean or if they're good or not but she seems happy with them. I know she set goals for herself but it's the first competition so I don't want her to be too hard on herself

"Last event, you'll do wonderful" I said as she went back to join her team.

"What the heck did all those numbers mean" Lin asked the question we were all thinking

Anthony explained how the scores worked, "oh so she's doing good" Daveed sighed

"Obviously she is" groff stated

I watched as she got ready for beam, she looked nervous. She looked at me, I gave her a reassuring smile and she smiled back, taking a deep breath.

She started and she was doing great, this time Lin's question was, "how does she flip upside down on a little stick"

"It's a bit bigger then a stick" I chuckled, still watching her

"It's 4 inches wide" Anthony told us.

She was doin great, almost done and then she falls. She was fine but she looked disappointed in herself.

She walked over to us, "you did amazing" I smiled

"But I fell" she sighed, hugging me. I just know she thinks I'm disappointed in her but I thought she did beyond great

"You fell once and still did great, I'm proud of you"

"We all are" Lin added.

"I'd fall just walking towards that thing" Daveed said, making her laugh.

She actually did do so good because she came home with 4 medals and 1 ribbon.

"What are they all for again?" Lin asked, looking at her medals

"I got 3rd on vault" she held up a medal, "1st on bars" she held up a different one, "2nd on floor and all around" she held up the last two. "And 7th on beam"

"You got 7th even after you fell, that's pretty amazing to me" Emmy smiled

"Yeah but I'll work harder so next time I don't fall"

"That's how we do things" Anthony high fives her.

"What are we doing now" she asked

"We're celebrating your hard work" I told her

We went and had lunch then got ice cream before going on a walk. When we got home, Anthony took Pipers ribbon and put it on the fridge which was the cutest thing ever cause he had the biggest "I'm proud of you" smile on his face.

Piper looked confused, "why would you-"

"Because it's my favourite one" Anthony interrupted

"But what about my medals" she sounded confused too

"I like this one, I'm proud of you" he hugged her.

"And I think those are too heavy for the fridge" he laughed.

Piper started crying, "Pipes what's wrong?" I asked her worried.

"I'm just happy, I love you guys." She was crying happy tears which made my heart melt.

"No ones been proud of me in a long time" we both hugged her when she said that

"We're always proud of you" I told her.

I have a few different story's I'm currently updating and I forget what days I updated what story's and I'm also writing ones I haven't published yet so I'm very not organized plus I started school so I'm gonna come up with a posting schedule later lol.

It's later and I made a posting schedule:

Tuesday: let me help you
Thursday: Janthony one shots
Friday: Adopted by Janthony
Sunday: Hamilton obc group chat

Anyways, those are all the ones I'm updating right now but this one will be updated Friday's👍

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