Part 16

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Anthony's POV
I just got my cast off, doctor says I gotta do a lot of physiotherapy to strengthen it before I can perform again. Me and Piper had planned my proposal to Jazzy, I'm doing it on Valentine's Day, our anniversary.

All we had to do was buy a ring so a few days after I get my cast off, while Jazzys performing, we go shopping to find the perfect one. We haven't told anyone about this, it'll be a surprise to everyone.

I have to wear an ankle brace when going on a long walk but it's better than a cast. We look in many different jewelry stores until finally I think I found the perfect one.

"Hey Pipes, I think this is the one" I call her over, she's looking at other rings across the store.

She walks over to me, "she'll love it" she smiles at me.

We call the person working at the store so we could buy it. "You have one lucky lady at home" the guy smiles as he pulls out the ring. He asks me what size I need.

"Shoot, I forgot" I say, "I think it was- uh"

"Size 7" Piper remembers, "I made sure to check before we left

"Yeah that's right, size 7" I tell the man

"Is this your daughter" he asks. I didn't really know what to say. I wanted to say yes but I've never talked about this with Piper before, I don't know how she'd feel if I did.

"Yes I am" Piper nods, smiling at me.

"How sweet, father-daughter shopping for this together" he hands me the ring. I thank him and we leave.

"Ok that was fun but, do you know what you're gonna wear when you propose" Piper raises an eyebrow at me

"Uhh no" I reply

She pulls me into some clothing shop right as I answer her, "it has to be special, you have to dress nice" she laughs.

We shop and find a nice outfit, one for her too. When we get back, I hand her the stuff, she knows what to do with it. She hides it in her room, Jazzy would find it in our room and I would probably forget where I hid them.

It's finally the day, I'm proposing today and I'm kinda stressing out. We're bring piper to school and then she's spending the night with a friend. But what Jazzy doesn't know, I'm getting her early from school for this.

We eat breakfast and go to bring Piper in the school, she brings an extra bag, the one with what we need for later.

"What's that for?" Jazzy asks her

"Oh it's just for later, I'm leaving it in here" she said. She's leaving it in the car for when I pick her up.

She goes to school and me and Jas spend time together. Then it comes time for me to get Piper, "I need to go get something, a surprise, I'll be back soon" I kiss her as I stand up

"I'm excited, what are you getting" she asks

"It's a surprise, be ready, we're going on a walk when I get back" I smile as I walk out the door.

I pick her up from school an hour early, we get changed and I put a hoodie on over top so Jazzy doesn't know just yet what's happening, so does Piper.

We get back, Jazzys ready with her shoes and jacket on for our walk, "you're supposed to be at school" she says to Piper, looking at me confused.

Neither of us answer, we go on our walk. We start our plan.

Pipers POV
Ok, we're starting now. I'm kinda panicking cause what if I mess this up for him, both of them. Although all I need to do is hold the ring and something before we start to distract Jazzy before.

I throw my phone into the grass ahead of us so I know it won't break, "oops, I dropped my phone can you get it for me" I ask Jasmine.

She turns around to get it, me and Ant quickly take off what we had covering our outfits while she's not looking. He had on a white dress shirt and a pink bow tie, I had a pink dress on and black leggings since it was cold and it's what I wore to school. I had my dress tucked into my hoodie so Jas wouldn't see it.

She turns back towards us, I had the ring box behind my back. "Here you g- what are you guys doing" she hands me my phone confused that we're now dressed differently than before

Anthony starts his speech, Jasmine looking at him, "Jazzy, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" they both started to tear up, "I can't imagine my life with anyone else, we've got our life going pretty perfect, we have a kid. Earlier than we planned but I wouldn't have it any other way because I love both of you"

He gets down on one knee, that was my que, I pulled out the ring box to open it, "Jasmine Cephas Jones, will you marry me?" He asks, she looks at me and the ring and started crying, I almost did too.

"Yes! Absolutely yes!" She squealed, Anthony stood up and hugged her, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. Then he put the ring on her finger, we all hugged.

"You two have been planning this for how long?" She wiped her happy tears away.

"A few weeks" I told her.

"I love you both so much" she smiled, "you guys look adorable all matching"

I pulled out my phone and texted the groupchat with the cast.

Me: ahhh!

Lin: what?

Pippa: did something happen?

Daveed: are you hurt?

Me: no lol

Renee: then what is it

I sent them a picture that I took of Anthony proposing, while he was down on one knee

Groff: OMG

Pippa: no way!

Oak: what! How come I didn't know about this

Me: we've been keeping it a secret.

I let them freak out about it, we continued our walk, happier than we were when we left.

Ah- I started a new Janthony story and I posted the first part last night, read it please, If you want. You don't have to:)

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