Part 8

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Pipers POV
The drive to their place feels happy, everything feels happy. I hum along to whatever song is playing on the radio.

"Hey pipes you hungry? We could go out for lunch if you want" Anthony asked.

"Oh I'm not really so hungry, I ate breakfast this morning" I was actually a little hungry but I was used to not being fed often. If I had breakfast, I didn't have lunch most of the time.

"You had breakfast at what time? It's lunch time now are you sure you're not hungry" Jasmine sounded a little concerned.

"Oh well I'm a little hungry but usually if I have breakfast then I don't get lunch" I tell them.

"Oh that's terrible, a kid need to eat more than just breakfast, we can stop somewhere, what's your favourite food"

"Uhh, I like pizza" I never get pizza but I do love it.

"That sounds nice, we can pick up some pizza and we can go home" Anthony said, home. Home sounded nice now, I wasn't scared to go home.

Anthony's POV
We get to some pizza place, "one question, does pineapple go on pizza?" Jazzy asked turning to face Piper while we're waiting in line to order.

"Absolutely not" She said Jas just turns back around

I bends down to her height, "she loves pineapple pizza, she took that personally"I whispered to her and we both laughed.

We get our pizza and drive back home. When we get there, we sit down at the table and eat our pizza. Jazzy takes a bite out of her pizza and Piper makes a face at her, scrunching my face in disgust at her pizza.

Her jaw drops and she looks at her surprised, "well at least I don't get nothing on mine" jasmine defends herself, Piper got plain cheese pizza. Then she stuck her tongue out at her and I copied her. I'm so beyond happy right now, everything seems so right with her here.

"You guys are teaming up on me" Jas acted hurt.

"Maybe we are" I said to her. She acted like she was shot.

"You may be on Broadway but that was terrible" she made us both laugh.

I raised my hand to high five her, she flinched and I felt terrible, "I'm sorry" I didn't know what to say, I hope I didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

"It's ok, I promise" she raised her hand to complete our high five.

"I didn't mean to scare you" I pulled her into a hug.

Our hug lasted up until she poked my sides, making me jump.

I gasped, "you're on" I tickled her and she broke out laughing.

Pipers POV
"Wait we should finish eating" I said through laughs as he tickled me and he stopped. I wanted to make him feel better for startling me. I didn't mean to flinch, it just sorta happens.

We finish eating, "you're going to school
Tomorrow and we have a show at 2 so, one of our friends will come pick you up and bring you to the theatre where you can wait in my dressing room" Jasmine tells me.


"She'll come over for a little later and you can meet her so she's not a complete stranger to you tomorrow"

I just nod in agreement, I'm kinda tired. Or maybe just overwhelmed by so much happening so fast, I just met Jazzy on Friday, it's Sunday. And don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to be here but it's just so much and tomorrow I have school.

Jasmines POV
"Hey Pipes you alright?" I ask her, she wasn't as hyper as she normally is and didn't look as happy either.

"Oh I'm fine, just tired, overwhelmed" she sighed. Oh shoot, this is all so much on a kid, maybe she just needs a break, a day to do nothing.

"Right, I'm sure missing a day of school will do no harm, you're smart. Tonight we can relax and you can sleep in tomorrow, if you want" I don't know what she needs, I've never raised a 12 year old girl before.

"Thank you" she whispered. I couldn't help myself from pulling her into a hug.

We spent the rest of the day on the couch watching movies. In the morning she woke up at 9:30 and she seemed to be feeling better, she was more energetic than she was yesterday.

We decided to go on a walk, all three of us. We walked, sometimes danced down the streets when we made it towards some park.

Me and Piper trailed a few feet behind Anthony, "hey watch this" she whispered to me before she took off running.

She jumped up on to Anthony's back. She was very small compared to him but she somehow managed to jump all the way up. I just laughed. He was surprised for a moment but he let her be and they, he just walked with her on her back. This made me so happy, I just had to take a picture to remember this.

She wiggled herself down, "now watch this!" She yelled and ran and did some flip in the grass of the park. And now I remember she told me she did gymnastics before.

"That was impressive" I clapped.

"How did you do that" Anthony asked in amazement.

"Well, when I did gymnastics, by the time I was 10, I was a level 8 until I stopped" she said

"Oh well why'd you stop, you're amazing" he asked her and I wanted to know the answer too.

"Well my first foster home I was in from 8-10 and they let me stay doing gymnastics but after that, I was never really in one long enough to actually start again." She was still bouncing around as she spoke but I felt bad for her.

"my first foster home was my longest one but they didn't want me anymore because I had gotten to old and i wasn't cute anymore apparently" she's still adorable now and that's not a reason to give up a child.

"And after that, no one wanted me and no one cared enough to keep me in gymnastics but that's alright because I have you guys now" she bounced right into our arms.

"Oh that sounds horrible, we could put you in a class, a few days a week. You still got some tricks" I proposed the idea

"Really!" she bounced right back out of our arms, she's a very bouncy kid.

"I think that's a great idea, she could go while we perform, at least some days. I think everyday we perform would be a lot" Anthony said, "put all this bouncing to use" we all laughed.

"I actually used to train 24 hours a week but I think that would be a lot now" she said. 24 hours? Now wonder she's so good.

"Yeah maybe not that much, at least for now" Anthony patted her shoulder.

"You two are my favourite people" she practically sang, I love this child.

It's been a few hours since we got back from our walk and we were getting ready to go.

"Hey I got your school work from today, you can do it in my dressing room while we warm up before the show and surprise, I got you a ticket and you can sit front row tonight" I told her.

She squealed, "you didn't"

I handed her the ticket and she squealed again. "Oh thank you so much"

"But only if you finish most of your school work, there's not a lot, barely any actually but 45 minutes is not a long time either" I sounded like a mom, I guess I somewhat kinda am now.

I didn't want to leave her here alone just yet and I don't want to leave her here with someone she doesn't know so the best solution, sit her in the front and I can see her from the wings.

I do gymnastics and wanted to include it lol. No I'm not watching Hamilton for the second time today...

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