Part 10

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Pipers POV
The next morning, Anthony brought me to school while Jasmine slept in. He made bacon and eggs.

"Today we don't have to be at the theatre till 7:30 and after school, we're taking you to get tested for some gymnastics team but you're amazing I don't know why there's a test" he said.

"There's always a test. So they now how strong and stuff you are" I told him.

"You're the only 12 year old I know who's strong enough to do cool flips" he laughed and I just looked at him before we started doing the handshake we made during intermission last night.

I had a better day at school than I ever have. I actually made some friends. I guess when you actually talk to people you can make friends.

After school we went to the gymnastics gym. There were 5 other girls getting tested with me. I was nervous but also excited.

"You'll do great" Anthony said, pushing me out to join the other girls.

"Good luck" Jas said with a smile.

The test wasn't so hard and it was only 20 minutes long. But after the test, me and 2 of the other girls got to stay for a different test to see what kind of skills we could do and at the end, after all the other girls left, me and one other girl were chosen to be on a team.

Me and the other girl high fived, her name was Chloe. Then I went over to Jasmine and Anthony and I squealed and so did Jas but Anthony just laughed at us. Then the coach came over and talked to them blah blah blah and I'm training on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays but I don't actually start till next week.

The car ride home was happy. I'm starting to think everything is happy with them, "thank you guys sooo much" I said

"You deserve it" Anthony replied

"Yeah you're insanely talented, gotta put it to use" Jasmine continued for him. No one has ever said that about me.

It was finally Saturday, the week was over. I was super existed because today I get to meet the rest of the cast before they perform.

"Do you think they'll like me" I asked worried on our way there.

"If you act the way you always do, like you, I'm sure they'll all like you" Anthony replied

"Except maybe Lin" Jas said.

"What?" I asked. I was scarred he wouldn't like me.

"I'm kidding, you looked so worried I'm sorry" she laughed and I playfully hit her arm.

I bounced in the doors of the theatre. When got there not everyone was there yet, just Pippa, Daveed and Lin.

I bounced over to Pippa, "hellooo Pippa" I basically  sang. I already met her before and not as nervous to see her.

"Oh Hi, what's your name again?" She asked.

"Oh umm-" of course she doesn't remember me.

"Of course I remember your name, I was just playing you" she interrupted me and pulled me into a hug. Phillipa Soo just hugged me.

"Why does she get a hug and I don't?" Lin came over.

I squealed and hugged him, " she's the sweetest" he said towards Anthony and Jas. "Daveed get over here" he waved towards Daveed who was sipping at a juice box and I laughed.

Soon enough everyone was here and they'll all so amazing. Then Jonathan Groff came up to me. I had to contain myself, he is a king.

I bowed, "it's a pleasure to meet you King George" I said in the best British accent I could.

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