Part 5

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Pipers POV
Jazzy runs up to me and I walk as normal as I can, I don't want her to worry. "Hey Piper are you alright?" She asks

"Oh Jazzy, I didn't see you here. I'm doing great but I have to go" I try walk away, without limping.

"What happened, you're limping" shoot, she noticed.

"Oh it was nothing. I fell out of a tree at the park earlier, I'm fine" I lie.

"And are your foster parents here? Maybe I could talk to them?"

"They're not, I came to buy candy and stuff for me, they didn't need to come" I lie again

"Oh but you're still little, what if something happens to you?" I can tell she's worried again.

"I think I'll be fine." I tell her, "I need to go now" I hug her. Maybe I didn't want to see her today but she's still Jasmine Cephas Jones.

I leave the store. Give the stuff and the receipt to my foster mom and go back to my room where I fall asleep.

I wake up, unaware of what time it is. I look out my window, the had just set and the sky was filled with the last bit of light then i check my phone, its 8:34pm.

my foster parents go bed early most days but today they fell asleep extra early.
how are there people out there who get so much sleep?

they're sleeping so i decided now would be a great time to finally run away. I've been contemplating doing it for awhile now, but now I think I'll actually do it. I fill my backpack with a water bottle, a change of warmer clothes, my phone charger, and some food.

I then quietly open the door when I spot my foster moms purse. Money. She's got enough of it, not like she'll notice. I grab some cash out of her purse and leave quickly. This time I remembered to put on my bigger jacket.

I make my way to some park and I'm just walking around. It's too early for me to sleep now and plus there's still lots of other people walking around, couples, family's and random other people.

Jasmines POV
Today was a good day. Me and Anthony went out for dinner after the show today and now we're walking through the park. It's cold, my hand is cold but Anthony holds my hand and it stays warm.

"I love you" I say, resting my head on his shoulder while we walk.

"I love you too Jas" he says back. I loved hearing him say that no matter how many times he says it. It makes me happy every time.

We must not have been paying much attention because we bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry-" I say lifting my head off of Anthony's shoulder but I don't see anyone.

Then I look down, it's a little kid. "Piper?" I ask and she looks up at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh well I uhh... lost my dog!" I see her come up with on the spot. "I lost my dog and I'm looking for it" she lies.

"I know you're lying because you told me you never had a dog before" I see her face go scared.

"Ok well I uh actually just ran away but I was gonna go back" she admits.

"You ran away?!" I practically yell. "We're taking you home now" i grab her hand.

"Wait! My foster parents are already sleeping, I don't wanna wake them up and make them mad" she pulls her hand out of mine.

Anthony bends down to her height. "Hey Pipes, you may not want to go home but you don't want to be out here all night, you'll freeze" he says in a calming voice.

"id rather freeze than go home" she says before trying to run off.

i grab her hand before she can runs off, "no, wait! what if she stays the night at our place, we can take her home before the afternoon show" I look up at anthony, still holding my grip on Pipers hand.

"Well, if Piper would like that, I'd be fine with it. She could sleep in the guest room." She nods ok with it.

I squeal, "we can have a movie night" and she laughs.

We spend the night watching Disney movies. She falls asleep on my shoulder, I'm not gonna carry her to bed so we stay on the couch. I slowly get up, laying her down on the couch.

"Hey Ant, grab me a blanket" i whisper and he hands me one.

I lay the blanket over her, she's adorable. "Can we keep her?" I ask jokingly like a little kid asking for a puppy. He just laughs quietly and we head off to bed.

Ive written so far ahead and forget how early y'all are in this story. I started this awhile ago knowing it would be longer and wrote a lot before posting it because I wanted to make sure I didn't get unmotivated half way through like I have before but i haven't and I'm still enjoying writing this story🧃

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