Part 13

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Pipers POV
My short legs were having trouble keeping up with Anthony and Jasmine through the foot of snow

"hurry up slow poke" Anthony teased, I run up behind him and pushed him into the snow.

He laughed and tried to pull me down with him. I grabbed Jas to try hold myself up but instead the two of us fell. We layed there a minute laughing before Anthony got up and helped Jasmine and I up.

"Do you wanna build a snowman" I sang

"Come on let's go and play" both Anthony and Jasmine continue

"I could cover this whole place in snow, I'm not supposed to though" I sang Let the Sun Shine On from the Broadway version of frozen instead of actually sing do you wanna build a snowman

We continued sing the small part of the song as we started to build a snowman.

"I'll never get over listening to you're voice Pipes" Jas said and I felt my more face go red since it was already red from the cold.

"Just wait till I'm on Broadway" I said.

"I'll be waiting with front row tickets" she replied.

"Both us will" Anthony joined in

As we kept walking, I fell behind again because the snow and my little legs so while they weren't paying attention, I rolled up two snowballs and threw one at both of them.

They turned around with surprised faces, "oh you're on" they both said at the same time and started making snowballs quickly.

We had a short snowball fight that ended after I got hit in the face and acted like it hurt, I even fake cried

"Jeez Pipes you scared me" Anthony said

"And the Oscar goes too..." Jas said, we laughed.

I kinda felt bad for making them think I was hurt but that feeling went away quickly as we continued our snow day.

We went back home and Jasmine pulled out a whole bunch of candy.

"How come I didn't know about this" Anthony jumped up

"Because I knew you would eat it all" Jazzy smacked his hand

"Ow, why can't I just have a little" he sounded like a little kid, I laughed.

"Because some of the cast is coming over and we're decorating gingerbread houses" she said.

"We are?" I asked

"We are?" Anthony also asked

"Yes now Anthony you clear off the counter so there's more room and don't touch the candy and you" she pointed at me, "go changed so you don't ruin your new hoodie with icing" she chuckle and I ran into my room.

I put on a random t-shirt and when I came back out of my room almost everyone was there already, wow their fast.

"I'm not late" Lin ran in the door.

I chuckled, "yes you are" and he motioned for me to be quiet.

Everyone was standing. I looked at the couch and all the people and quickly ran to sprawl myself along the couch before there's no room.

Then Daveed came, picked me up, moved me out of the way and sat down

"Hey" I complained Before Pippa came and did the same thing and soon everyone was on the couch but me

"How did this happen?" I said standing in front of where everyone was sitting.

They laughed and I came up with the idea to just lay on top of them all. My head was by Daveed and my feet were by Lin who sat down last.

"This isn't fair" Renee said

"You guys stole my spot, it's fair"

"Why don't we get started, we're doing it in partners" Jasmine announced, "pipes you get to choose your partner first"

I sprung up and walked in front of them all, like a judge. I reached for the chosen ones hand and pulled him up.

"Ha I knew it'd be me, royalty will win" Groff high fives me.

Everyone else got in partners. Anthony with Jasmine, Daveed with Lin, Pippa with Renee and Oak with Leslie.

Groff and I spent our time making sure it was all perfect. Pippas and Renees look good, Anthony's and Jazzys looked like Ant had eaten half the candy, Daveeds and Lin's looked like a complete disaster and Oaks and Leslies didn't look terrible.

We all started at the same time, first ones done were Oak and Leslie and the last ones done were Daveed and Lin. Anthony posted pictures to his Instagram story and people voted for the best one. He didn't post the names on his story so people couldn't vote for their favourite persons.

"We're going to win" Groff announced

"Good luck beating us" Renee said.

"I don't think we're beating anyone" Daveed admitted

"You're not supposed to say that out loud, you're supposed to say ours is the best" Lin whispered to him.

We waited a little for the results, "the one with the most votes is..." Anthony looked at his phone.

"Just say us already" Groff yelled, he was standing and I was on his back

"Me and Jas" he said.

Jasmine looked up at him, she was watching from over his shoulder. He grinned and whispered in her ear.

Groff gasped, "that's gotta be a lie" he put me down and marched towards them, "let me see"

"You guys got second" Anthony announced.

"I said let me see" he whined.

I approached the three of them standing there, "you're a liar" I stood in front of Anthony looking up at him.

He burst out laughing, "yeah yeah, I know. But seeing Groff's face was hilarious"

"Second is Pippa and Renee" they both high five

"Then it's me and Jazzy" he smiles at her

"Forth is Leslie and Oak"

"Hey at least we tried" Oak says to Leslie

"And last... Lin and Daveed"

"I blame Daveed, he kept pouring all the icing everywhere and calling it snow" Lin laughs and everyone joins in.

After some time had past, Renee, Oak, Leslie, Daveed and Lin left. Only Pippa and Groff stayed longer.

We decided to go ice skating. "I've never been skating before" I tell them.

"What? We're gonna have so much fun" Jasmine says

"I've only gone once" Pippa says

"I've never gone either" Groff admits

"You guys are crazy, we have to go now" Anthony puts his jacket on getting ready to go.

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