Part 22

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Third person POV
Jazzy sat tired next to Pipers hospital bed, hoping she would wake up soon. She was so tired and lost in thought that she had barley noticed Anthony trying to talk.

"Jazzy?" He said concerned.

She didn't answer, just lifted her head off the edge of the hospital bed. She was sitting right next to the bed, head resting on the edge while her hand reached up and held Pipers hand.

"You need to sleep" Anthony told her softly

"Not until- she's awake" Jazzy mumbled. She hadn't slept in awhile.

Piper was in surgery for hours. During that time Anthony went back to their apartment and got Jasmine clean clothes since she refused to leave until she got out of surgery even if it was going to take hours.

"The doctors said she shouldn't wake up for awhile. If you don't sleep now, there's no way you'll make it till she wakes up and you'll be sleeping when she's awake"

"No, I'm fine" Jazzy tried to convince him.

Her eyelids felt heavy, she struggled to hold them open.

Anthony moved his chair right next to Jazzy, pulling her close to him so that her head rested on his shoulder. He placed his hands in her hair, playing around with it gently knowing that it makes her sleepy.

"No- stop you'll make me fall asleep" a sleepy smile appeared across her face. She wasn't going to move away from him so he couldn't continue, she was too tired but she also wanted to stay there where she felt safe.

"That's the point baby, you need to sleep."

It was getting late, the hospital halls were all quiet but the bright lights still lit up the hallway. It was the night of the day after and Jazzy hadn't slept yet.

The hospital at this time didn't even feel real. Felt more like a dream from a past life, the bright lights and the silence with the only noise being the quiet beep of the heart monitor that Jazzy had gotten used to.

"I love you Ant" jazzy mumble, thankful for Anthony being there for her.

"I love you too" she barely heard before she fell asleep there in her seat, leaning on Anthony. Eventually he fell asleep too.

About three hours after falling asleep, Jazzy burst awake after dreaming about the day before. It wasn't what happened that woke her up though, it was her imaging Piper refusing to see her after waking up.

Her heart was beating fast and her hands were cold and sweaty. It was 4am and nothing felt real to her. Piper laying there with the oxygen mask on felt like a nightmare to her.

The lights in the hallway were not as bright as they were before. The hospital had gotten quieter if that were possible.

Jazzy had notice her throat was dry so she got up, careful not to make any noise, and went to find the vending machine to get some water.

She came back once she realized she hadn't grabbed her purse with her money in it. There's no getting anything out of the vending machine without money.

She walked down the almost silent halls, the only sound being the quiet taps of someone, most likely a nurse, typing not far.

When she reached the vending machine, she put in the money and pushed the button for water. It fell, making a loud noise making Jazzy jump back and freeze.

She want sure why but she couldn't move. Her heart started beating faster, her hands got sweaty and she couldn't get herself to move.

It wasn't until a doctor walked by and asked if she was ok that she unfroze

"Are you alright?" The doctor asked

Jasmine gasped quietly and looked around and spotted the doctors tired but concerned face, "yeah I'm good" she bent down to grab her water.

Walking back to the hospital room, she was in some confused daze on what just happened. She got back to the room and felt better when she saw Anthony sitting there. He was still asleep but he calmed her just by looking at him.

She stood in the doorway, opened her water and drank some. Anthony began to stir in his sleep, his hand moving around on Jazzys chair. His hand fumbled around looking for jazzy, he began to wake up when his sleeping self couldn't feel her there.

"Jas" he whispered the moment he woke up. His voice quiet and raspy.

His eyes opened and he looked panicked that she wasn't there, she laughed quietly from the door.

His head turned to face her, "what are you doing up?" He asked

"Just getting water" she answered quietly

She sat back down, his hand immediately reached for hers, his other hand was already holding pipers.

Jazzy sighed looking at Piper, still blaming herself. Anthony squeezed Jazzys hand, "she'll be ok" he comforted

Jazzy rested her head on Ants shoulder again. They fell asleep and didn't wake up till late in the morning.

It was 11am, Anthony was just waking up when Jazzy burst awake.

"Hey you alright?" He asked concerned

"Uh yeah" jazzy replied in a bit of a daze from just waking up.

She dreamt about Piper but she didn't wake up this time and it was worse then her last dream. In her dream Piper doesn't wake up and Jazzy blamed herself, then Anthony blamed her and everything fell apart. She lost her friends and the love of her life but thank god it was only a dream, or nightmare.

adopted by Janthonyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن