Part 23

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A doctor came into the room not long after Jas and Ant woke up, "oh you guys are awake" he smiled

"When will she wake up? will she wake up? Is she going to be ok?" Jazzy asked immediately

"she's still resting, after surgery patients usually don't wake up for at least a day but sometimes longer but also sometimes they wake up only a few hours later" the doctor explained

"Ok so when will she wake up?"

"By the looks of it, maybe an hour or two but there's no way of knowing exactly when." He replied, making both Jas and Ant release a sigh of relief.

"There we're a few visitors this morning, before you woke up" the doctor told them


"Yeah, Phillipa soo came in early-"

"Obviously Pippa would be here early, I swear she wakes up way to early" Jazzy interrupted the doctor

"Jonathan Groff, Daveed Diggs and Emmy Raver-Lampman were also here and I think one more. Lin Maunuel Miranda"

"Oh good, I'm sure she'll love to hear of all the visitors when she wakes up" Anthony smiled

After the doctor left, Jazzy talked to Piper, "hey Pipes, I miss you. Please wake up soon" she whispered

"We both miss you and we can't wait till you wake up, we'll be waiting right here" Anthony added.

Three hours had passed and she hadn't woken up, "the doctor said she'd be up by now" Jazzy said while pacing back and forth in the small room.

"He also said it might take longer Jas, she'll wake up when she's ready" Anthony tried his best to comfort though he was worried too.

"Right. I'll be right back, I need to go to the bathroom" she said and left the room.

While she was gone, Pipers eyes slowly opened and she started to move around a little. Anthony immediately jumped up.

"Jas?" Piper said quietly, her voice sounding all scratched up.

She sat up and saw Anthony but not Jasmine and got worried, "where's Jazzy? Is she ok?"

"She's in the bathroom, she'll be right back. I'm so glad you're awake" a relived smile appeared on his face.

"Ok so-" jazzy said while entering the room

"Jas" Anthony interrupted her quietly

"Yeah?" She asked

She looked at him confused when he didn't say anything more but then she looked at Piper.

"You're awake" she squealed softly and immediately ran to the bedside.

"We missed you" jazzy sighed

"How long was I asleep?" Piper got worried by Jazzys reaction thinking she had been asleep for days

"Well not long but it felt like forever" She chuckled

The doctor walked in, "oh good you're awake" she smiled, "how are you feeling?"

"Great" Piper responded. The doctor had to check some things, run some tests.

"Everything seems to be going great, I'll leave you guys and come to check on you later" she left with a smile

After the doctor left, the three spent their time together when a few people came in the room.

"Groffsauce!" Piper smiled as he walked in

"Hey my favourite P is awake" he smiled back

Pippa followed behind him, "hey" she pouted at not being Groff fav though she doesn't blame him.

"Pippa!" She cheered softly, her smile growing when she saw more people behind her.

Oak and Lin trailed in right after Pippa, all with happy smiles seeing Piper awake.

"Where's everyone else?" Piper questioned, her tone curious but not upset that not everyone came. She was happy with her visitors.

"We didn't want to overwhelm you" Oak answered, "or overcrowd the room" he chuckled softly, the small room already somewhat crowded

"We came by earlier but you were still asleep"

"Really?" Piper asked with an excited tone

"Yup" Lin replied, smiling at her.

"When can I go home?" Piper turned to face Anthony

"That I don't know, we'll have to ask the doctor next time he comes in" he replied

"I miss being home" she smiled as she thought about it, until she found Jasmine and Anthony, she hadn't had a proper home in years. A home where she felt safe and happy.

"You're always so happy, even after everything that happened" Groff noted

"Because I've always got something to be happy about, you guys" her smile grew wider, everyone had melted with her words, she's the sweetest girl.

Some time had passed, their conversations had gone on and on about what ever, keeping Piper distracted from her pain when her face shifted from her smile to one of concern

"What wrong?" Jazzy asked

"School, what about my school work?" It had only been the first day she's missed but she was worried

Anthony chuckled lightly, "you're ahead on all you're work already, give the other kids a chance to catch up"


"You don't need to worry right now" he gave her a comforting smile

"Fine" she sighed, "but what about my friends?"

"They've asked about you" Jazzy told her

Pipers smile grew with that, "really?" She questioned. Up until not long ago she hadn't had real friends, though she didn't want them to worry, she's glad they're always there.

Jazzy nodded to answer her question, "you should get some rest, doctor said you could go home tomorrow only if you're still doing ok in the morning, but I know you will"

Piper sighed, not wanting to rest more despite how tired she was, she liked being around her people. She settled in to bed after saying bye to her visitors and quickly fell asleep.

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