Part 12

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Pipers POV
The rest of the week went normal but on Friday, it was Lucas's and Miley's birthday, they're twins but don't look alike. Turns out Miley also loves Hamilton and other musicals. I didn't recognize her at the theatre that night I did Lucas because I didn't know her, she's not in our class but we're great friends now.

Anthony and Jasmine dropped me off at their house on their way to the theatre.

Only Lucas, Noah, Miley, Olivia, and I were there but that's everyone part of our friend group. They're all in our schools musical this year but I'm not because my old foster parents wouldn't let me.

"Ok what's your favourite song from newsies? I love king of New York" Olivia asked us all.

"Uhh carrying the banner" Noah answered

"Definitely seize the day" Lucas said

"I gotta say Santa Fr prologue" I say

"I agree with Lucas, seize the day" Miley said

"Ok and what's your favourite Hamilton song" she asked "it's hard but I have to say Dear Theodosia"

"Wait for it" Miley answered without even thinking about it

"Probably The story of tonight but, Jasmine in say no to this is phenomenal, can you tell h-" Lucas stopped himself. I gave him a look, no one else knows that they're my foster parents and I'm gonna tell them but not yet.

"It rotates all the time because I love them all but my overall fav is satisfied" I tell them

"You'll be back, Jonathan Groff is amazing" Miley answered again.

"You already said wait for it, but I do agree he is amazing" I said

"Ok, I can't choose I love them both" Miley laughed. "If you were to be anyone from Hamilton, who would it be" we mostly talked about Hamilton because it's our favourite, this is how we chose to spend our time.

"I identify as Peggy" Olivia laughed, she has 4 siblings.

"You're definitely an Eliza" Lucas said to me.

"I agree with that, I'm 100% Lafayette" Noah claimed, "you're Angelica" he pointed at Miley

"And you're Laurens" Olivia pointed at Lucas.

"We have Hamilton with no Hamilton" I said and we laughed

"We have an Eliza Hamilton"

"Without an Alexander Hamilton I'm just Eliza Schuyler"

We talked for awhile, it was a lot of fun. Later that night, Olivia and I stayed in Miley's room, Noah stayed in Lucass room and in the next day we went home.

Short Time jump by a few weeks to sometime early/mid-December
Pipers POV
Monday is one of my favourite days because it's the one day a week Jas and Ant don't have a show. Even though I do like going to the theatre and seeing everyone, spending the day with them is great.

I get up and Anthony and Jasmine had just gotten up too. They started making breakfast, I sit down on the couch and yawn.

"Didn't sleep well?" Anthony asked me

"No, watching the snow fall is just so perfect, I couldn't sleep knowing that it was snowing and I wasn't watching so I watched" it started snowing yesterday afternoon.

"Well it's still snowing, you can continue watching" Jas pointed towards the window

"It is?" I sit up so I can see. Then when I see it still snowing, I run to the balcony, Anthony laughs at me.

"Hey it's cold outside, get back in here before you get sick" I close the door so  Jasmine kinda yells so I can hear her.

I run back in with wet drops on my clothes from the melted snowflakes and hug Jasmine, she gasps and I laugh.

"I might have to ban you from going in the snow" she joked

"You can't do that" I stick my tongue out at her.

"I wouldn't want to anyway"

"Let's eat" anthony announced, I guess he's hungry

We ate, I went to school, I went home. Then we went on a walk in the snow and I loved it.

On our walk, Anthony kept saying how he didn't like the snow but then said it was so pretty and that it felt nice since it was cold but he still didn't like it.

We went to bed after a very fun day. When I woke up in the morning, I checked the time, 9:30, I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room in a panic.

I found Anthony and Jasmine just sitting on the couch watching some show. "I slept in, you guys didn't wake me up I'm late for school" I said

They laughed, "Thai isn't funny I need to go to school"

"It's a snow day" Anthony chuckled

"What?" I asked

"It's been snowing for 2 days straight" Jas continued

"Really" I ran towards the window, "I still kinda wanted to go to school though" I like school now that I've made friends and I'm not scared of my teachers anymore

"No school and the theatres closed today" Anthony told me.

"Then what will we do all day" I wondered

"Snow day, we do whatever we want" Jas motioned for me to come sit next to her.

Instead of sitting next to her, I layed across the both of them, "can we go outside and play in the snow" I asked, looking up at them.

"We we're in the snow all day yesterday plus you just got up, we haven't eaten breakfast yet" Anthony yawned.

"But there's so much snow" I whined like a little kid.

"Let's eat breakfast then" he picked me up off of them and stood up, I giggled.

After we ate, we got ready for the snow and left. We walked towards some park. There were no cars driving around and most of the shops were closed.

My short legs were having trouble keeping up with Anthony and Jasmine through the foot of snow

This part is kinda boring:)

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