Part 7

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Jasmines POV
in the morning I wake with my arms tangled with Anthony's. If you were to look at us, you wouldn't be able to tell who's arms were whose. I get up and I'm beyond excited but Anthony's still sleeping. How will I wake him up today.

I roll him over, "hey baby wake up" I say but he hasn't woken up yet.

I roll on top of him and kiss his forehead then his lips. I see a smile appear on his face. He's awake now. Then I kiss his neck then his chest and that's when he opens his eyes.

"Morning love" he speaks in a sleepy voice with a smile.

"Morning" I reply smiling back at him and he tries to pull into another kiss but instead I hope off the bed and run into the kitchen.

Anthony's POV
Now if that wasn't the best way to wake up, what has this woman done to me. She runs into the kitchen and I follow her.

"You can't just tease me like that" I say grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in.

"I don't know what your talking about" she giggles. I turn her around so our faces are only an inch apart.

She leaves a small kiss on my lips, "we have to get everything ready before she gets here" she sounds so happy and I can't help but smile.

"She doesn't get here for another 4 hours" I tell her. "And we got everything ready last night, you can take a break"

"Yeah but what if she doesn't like anything, we have to make sure it's perfect" she nervous. She wants Piper to like everything.

"You've done so much for her, she'll love it all" I try calm her.

"You're right, I'm just freaking out a little"

"I can tell. Take a deep breath" I say grabbing her shoulders "we should go for a walk, it's nice out today" she nods.

By the time we get out for our walk, it's 9:30, 3 and a half hours till we bring Piper home and I'm super excited. "Today's gonna be a good day" I grab her hand.

"I can't wait" she squeezes my hand

Jasmines POV
I squeezed his hand I felt so happy. I guess I'm just so luck to be alive right now. I get lost in my happiness and start humming along to some song. I don't know what song it is but I'm to content to care.

We walk for awhile till we decide to go for an early lunch. A small lunch, maybe Piper would be hungry when we get her.

We walk back to our appartement. By the time we get there, it's 12pm, one hour till we can bring her here. 30 minutes till we leave, 15 minutes to drive there, 20 if there's more traffic then usual. I've thought to much about this.

By 12:30, I'm bouncing out the door, Anthony's laughing at me. We get in the car and he has the biggest smile, the one he only had when he is overly happy, like on opening night on Broadway and the first time I told him I loved him.

We get there and i practically run to the door. We didn't tell her, we wanted it to be a surprise. I hope she'll be as excited as I am.

We get to the front desk and we talk, it feels like it's taking forever. Then the lady at the desk tells us we can go get her. I grab Anthony's hand and walk as fast as I can to her room.

I knock gently on the door and her head pops out. She looks happy once she sees us.

"What are you doing here?" She sounds confused.

"We're here to bring you home" I say softly.

"But I thought my foster parents went to jail or something" she now sounded disappointed, or scared to go back there.

I look at Anthony with a, "she's so clueless it's adorable" look and he chuckled.

"You thought we went to jail? That hurts" Anthony laughed and she just looked more confused

"We're taking you home with us" I emphasize the us.

Her face goes from confused to surprised, "I'm staying with you guys?!" She squealed. She sounded so happy which made me even happier and I couldnt get any words out so I just nodded in response.

"Oh thank you" she pulled me into a hug and started to cry.

I saw Anthony shed a tear, this is a day I'll never forget.

Pipers POV
Oh my, this right here is the best day ever. I said that when I got to meet Jasmine, Renee and Pippa all in the same day but this, this is even better. I get to live Jasmine Cephas Jones and Anthony freaking Ramos.

I was crying while hugging Jazzy, " I've never gotten to be fostered by actually good people and you guys are the best people" I pulled Anthony into our hug.

A moment went by and I wiggled out of their grasp, "I think we can go now" I wiped my tears away.

"Oh yeah right" Jas chuckled.

I went back in to my room and grabbed my stuff. They let me go back to my old house last night to get more of my things but their wasn't much there for me but what I did grab was a picture of me and my dad before he died. I kept it folded and hidden cause I know one of my old foster parents would have ripped it. All my past foster parents had taken a wrecked my other photos and this was the only one I had left.

As I walked out, Anthony wrapped his arm around my shoulder and with his other hand held Jazzys  hand. Things couldn't get any better.

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