Part 14

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Pipers POV
We get to the skating rink and It had finally stopped snowing. "It can't be that hard" Groff said putting in his skates.

"Ahh" he yelled once he stepped on to the ice falling before he even got both feet on. Anthony helped him back up and he held the wall.

I stepped in the ice and didn't fall but I reached for Anthony's hand, "you're right it's not that hard" I laugh

"But you have a hand to help you" he whines but I let go of the hand and skate around slowly.

"Come on Jas" I yell and she skates towards me, "you too Pips" she steps on the ice and slowly moved towards me.

I got the hang of it pretty fast... after Jas helps me. Anthony's off helping Groff, he's not getting the hang of it so fast. After Pippa gets used to the ice she skates over to them to try help Groff too.

"Race you to Ant!"I say to Jas before racing away from her. She follows close behind me.

"I win" I cheer almost knocking Anthony over.

"No way you can skate that good already, we've been here 15 minutes" Groff stumbles.

I move closer to him and just smile, "jeez you're too adorable I can't-" he almost falls, "teach me your ways young queen" we both laugh. After awhile he finally got the hang of it and could skate without help.

"Hey Jas watch" Anthony yells looking back

"Ant watch out the wall-" she says and BOOM! He runs into the wall, look like he hurt himself.

We all skate towards him, "ant are you alright?" Jazzy asks helping him up.

"Uh I think I'm fine, just rolled my ankle when I fell" he tries to take a step

"Don't take another step" I tell him before he steps on to his hurt ankle.

"Ill be fine" he steps and falls in pain.

"I told you" I say and jas helps him back up.

"I thought I'd be the one to get hurt" Groff laughs. Jas and Pippa help Anthony off the ice and on to a bench.

He takes off his skate, his ankle is swollen already, "how did you manage that" Pippa asked

"I don't know, I wasn't paying attention" he replied

"You should've" she says with sass in her voice

"Thanks Pips, didn't think of that" he says sarcastically.

He puts his foot on the ground about to try put pressure on it, "don't do that" I tell him

"I'm sure it's not that bad" he assures me and tries to put some pressure on it.

He winced in pain with the little bit of pressure, "can you do this?" I ask him, flexing my foot, he tries the best he can.

"What about this?" I point my foot, he tries to copy but he can't really move it much without any pain.

I show him some other things, he can do some of them. "It's probably sprained or maybe broken" I tell him

"How do you know this stuff" Pippa asks.

"In gymnastics people get hurt, especially their ankles." I explain "there was this one time a girl-"

"Don't finish that, I don't know why we let you do that stuff if you could get hurt so easily" Jas looks concerned

"Because you love me" I smile at her, she rolls her eyes before smiling back.

"So what do we do?" Groff asks

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