Chapter Twenty-One

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I felt shattered. 

My heart was broken.

My emotions were out of control.

My ability was out of control.

And I was hurting the person I love most.

But then again, he didn't love me.

Why should I love him if he doesn't love me? 

" Mar, please, please, don't do this," Keefe begged, then began a coughing fit. He grabbed his chest and sank to the blazing ground. 

Why was I doing this? I couldn't kill him. But despite that thought, I just couldn't tame the fire. 

" I'm sorry!" He screamed. 

" No, you're not!" I sobbed. " You're the one I truly loved. I don't want to kill you, but I can't make my ability stop!"

" Pull. Your. Hand. Back." Keefe coughed. He struggled to stand up, but flames were lapping all around him. 

" Argh! What the heck is wrong with me?" I tasted salty tears on my lips. 

" I can't stop. Like physically. I want to, Keefe, I really do!"

" Then pull your hands back!" Keefe could barely get the words out. 

With all my might, I tried pull the flames back. But they wouldn't obey me. I started coughing, and thats when I realized how out of control this was getting. Right. Good job, Marella, for letting your emotions take over your life, I told myself. 

Suddenly Keefe's eyes rolled back so I could only see the white of his eyes, and he fell back unconscious onto the grass.

" NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed, and out the corner of my eyes I saw figures running towards me. 

I took a deep breath. If this was how Keefe was going to die, then I was going to die the same way. So with a huge jerk, I threw my hands out and leaped into the fire. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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