Chapter Nineteen

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" Foster! 'Sup!" I turned around and smiled as they familiar voice registered in my brain.

Keefe was strolling towards me, arm in arm with his fiance, Marella.

" Hi guys!" I exclaimed. 

" What's new?" Marella asked in her cool, calm and collected voice. Well actually, sometimes her voice did get a little too fired up, especially when she was defending the things she liked. Enough about that though.

Just then did I realized their outfits. 

Covering my mouth to hide a snicker, in a choked voice I exclaimed, " Matching pink onesies? Keefe, I promise you're becoming more like a human every day."

" Thanks to you, Foster," Keefe winked at me.

" I made him wear it," Marella grinned mischeviously. " I'm also gonna make him do a lot more things after he buys me some fruit!" She pushed the boy towards the market.

I giggled. 

As soon as Keefe was out of range, Marella turned towards me and sighed.

" What's wrong?" I asked.

" It's just......well, Keefe has all these big plans for our wedding, and some of them I don't agree with. Okay, most."

" Like, what does he want? What do you want?" 

" He wants a HUGE crowd, a clown, a gigantic cake that's covered in brown, goopy frosting, blinding, actually blinding dance lights, and oh, about fifteen thousand other things." Marella counted off her fingers.

" Gosh, wow." I said. " What DO you agree on?"

" Lots of things!" Keefe exclaimed, joining us again. He was holding a bag of fruit from the market and had a orange peel half inside his mouth, half not. 

Marella sighed. " Keefe, we need to go." 

" What? So soon?"

" Yes," Marella said sharply as Keefe whined like a little boy begging for candy. " You're marrying ME, Keefe, not Sophie. Good day Mrs. Vacker."

I watched the couple leave the market. Yes, it had taken a while for Marella and Keefe's relationship to get going. They'd had lots of fall outs and get back togethers. They'd taken forever to get engaged, but now something seemed......out of place. They were the last of my friends to get married. I just hoped they would be happy.......

Ahhh, what's happening with Marella and Keefe?

Golden Dreams/Sequel to At LastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora