Chapter Seventeen

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" Baby, I breathe life into you," I whispered the utterly stupid line. 

As if it would work. But of course it wouldn't. 

Unless you were the moonlark. 

The baby opened one eye. 

And then the other. 

" Oh. My. Gosh." I whispered, picking up the baby and cradling it in my arms. 

" Sophie?" A faint voice was behind me. 

I turned my head quickly to see Fitz looking at the babies with such a father like fondness of his face. 

" Meet Malia and Balin," I said, the covered my mouth. " Whoops! I totally did not just name our babies without your permission. Whoops!" 

Fitz just smiled at me happily. " I love those names, Soph. Very much indeed.

Malia and Balin Vacker, welcome to the family."

Golden Dreams/Sequel to At LastWhere stories live. Discover now