Chapter Twelve

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It was totally party time! 

The lights were dimmed, some elves were slow dancing to the music being played by DJ Dex. Sophie had told us all about what a DJ did. 

Some were eating food, others chatting, and finally, Linh was crying. 



Apparently she thought the song Dex was playing right now was heartbreaking because-imao that's what Linh does. 

I looked around trying to find Sophie. 

When I couldn't find her, I shrugged. 

" Fitzy my lil 'ol brother!" Biana yelled somewhere between medium and loud. 

" Biana, shush!" I hissed, hoping nobody had heard her. " Plus, I'm older than you! And when did you start calling me Fitzy again? And lil 'ol brother?" I shook my head. Despite my annoyance, maybe it was a bit funny. 

" Where's Sophie?" My sister asked, going on her tip toes to search the massive crowd. If Sophie and I hadn't listened to Edaline, it might have been a bit less crowded. 

" Fitz! Fitz!" A familiar voice called my name. 

I spun around. " Soph! I was looking for you!"

Sophie put her arms around my waist. " Sorry. I was talking to Marella and Keefe. You know how much they like to-" She broke off with a grimace. 

" You okay?" I asked. The nasuau I felt every time that look of pain came across her face bubbled in my stomach.

Sophie groaned, and slumped to the floor. 

" Soph!" I howled, kneeling on the floor. My hand flew to her forehead. No fever. I checked her pulse. Fine. 

" Is she in labor?" Biana asked, biting her lip nervously. 

I shook my head. " She shouldn't be! It's too early. Right?" The question was more directed at myself. 

" Is Elwin here?" Linh asked, suddenly by my side. " No!" My voice quavered. " He said he couldn't make it until the end of the party. He's wayyyy far out of our reach. He said he wouldn't have any connection." 

I heard Linh inhale sharply. " I know what has to be done." She finally said. Her voice was firm, not the shy, uncertain voice I'd first heard when we'd met. 

" What?" I asked.

Linh rubbed her palms together. " If the babies are coming, I will deliver them."

Everyone in the room gasped. 

" But you don't know how to deliver a baby!" Biana protested. 

" I've done it before, or sorta looked on...." Linh trailed off.

" She'd be great." Tam added. " Focus on Sophie! Get her in bed! Now!"

Together, Tam and I lifted Sophie up and carried her to our bed. Linh, Biana, and Marella followed. Dex and Keefe said they would stay outside. 

It was terrible that Della and Edaline would be no help. There was hardly anybody who knew how to deliver babies. It was pretty rare. 

I turned my attention to Sophie. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. " Are our babies coming? I'm so happy we are going to have a family. Do your best, okay?"

Linh shoved me aside just as Sophie opened an eyelid slowly. 

" Fitz?" Her voice was hoarse. " I had the bad dream again. The man was taking our babies away. And everyone I knew. Including you! Until I was the only one left. Fitz........I think Elwin was wrong. Our babies are coming sooner than we all thought. Look at my belly."

I looked at Sophie's stomach. It was bulging. I'd been noticing it for about a week now, but Sophie nor Elwin  had mention anything.

" Fitz," Sophie whispered, her voice drawing my attention back to her. " Our babies are coming."

She grimaced. " Try pushing," Linh encouraged her. " You can do it."

" I can't!" Sophie howled. 

Then she screamed. Louder than I'd ever heard ANYONE scream. It rattled the walls. The nasua in my stomach came up and I ran to the bathroom, making it in time to vomit into the toilet. 

" Why now?" I wailed.

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