Chapter Two

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Sophie reached for the doorknob of the Ruwen's home. 

" Wait," I said abruptly, reaching for her elbow.

She glanced at me and took her hand away. 

" I'm in this with you, Sophie. I will suffer for you." I said.

Tears filled her eyes. " Oh, Fitz, I love you so much," She sobbed, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my chest. " Thank you."

" I'd do it any day," I responded, love for my wife filling me. 

She looked up at me, and a small smile spread across her face. " Thanks."

" Let's go in," I said, turning the door knob and stepping inside, helping Sophie in after me.

" Sophie, Fitz!" Dex and Ling were sitting at the table, and turned when they saw us.

" Hi!" We greeted them, fake smiles plastered on our faces.

" Guess what!" Linh held up her finger. A ring glinted on her index finger.

" Ahhhhhh!" Sophie yelled. " Yay!" This time we didn't have fake smiles. They were genuine. 


" Umm," I cleared my throat. Dex, Linh, Grady, Edaline, Sophie and I were standing in a circle.

" Uh, yeah," Sophie pitched in. " Mom, Dad, we have something important to tell you." She glanced at Linh and Dex for a second. They got the jist, and hurried out.

" Bye, see ya later!" They called. 

" What is it you wanted to tell us?" Grady asked. He pulled out two chairs for us to sit.

Together, Sophie and I told her parents everything.

" Sophie-" Edaline's eyes filled with tears after we had finished. She leaned to give her daughter a hug.

" We'll keep you updated, correct Fitz?" Sophie snuck a glance at me. 

" Yeah, and boy, we probably should be getting home too." I said quickly. I really wanted some Sophie one-on-one time and a nice dinner. 

" By, honey," Grady and Edaline said in unison. Grady and I shook hands and then Sophie and I light leaped home. 

Sophie's parents had promised to be quiet, but how long could we keep our situation a secret?

Hey guys! Ya, that was a terrible chapter, but thanks for reading! Don't forget to like and comment!

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