Chapter Five

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When Grady and Edaline had first told me about Sophie's illness a few hours earlier, I was terribly upset, angry to the end of my wits. 

Why hadn't they told me? Why? That was all I wanted to know. Why?

I watched sadly as Sophie's eyes filled with tears.

" Biana, I can't tell you how sorry I am," She sobbed. 

I ran over to the bed and took both of her hands. 

" It's alright. I'm not mad." I bit my lip not to add, anymore.

" Thanks," Sophie whispered. 

Suddenly, she doubled over in pain, groaning.

" Sophie! Sophie!" Fitz yelled urgently. 

There was no answer. 

My brother turned to me, panic flaring in his eyes. 

" Hail Elwin, now." 

I pulled out my imparter, hailed Elwin. No answer. 

" Go to the healing center!" Fitz waved a hand at me while he tended to Sophie, who was still groaning. 

I raced out of the room, and light leaped to the healing center. 

Was Sophie's life on the line?

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