Chapter Eighteen

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" Mommy, Balin kicked me in the shin! Oh, and Daffodil vomited on her shirt!"

Sophie sighed. In the past five years, she and Fitz had raised two twins, Malia and Balin, and two year old Daffodil.

" Coming!" She called to her eldest daughter. 

She walked into the room hoping to find the situation not as bad as she hoped but.......did Malia and Balin EVER get along? No. 

Malia's shin was starting to turn purple. And Daffodil indeed had spit up on her shirt. 

Sophie sighed again. " Get along!" She told Balin and Malia firmly. Daffodil was bouncing in her chair happily. At least she didn't know of the great Balina vs Malia war. At least not yet. 

Fitz walked into the kitchen, and gasped. " What is going on here?" He turned to Sophie. She shrugged. " And the great Balin vs Malia war continues. Tell your children here to clean up. They always obey you. I have to go into town. See you all later!" She scooped up her purse, picked up Daffodil from her high chair, and walked out the front door.

Fitz heaved a big sigh, and slumped into a chair. " Daddy!" Malia's face popped up in front of him. He reached over and tussled her hair. " What's up, pumpkin?"

Malia scrunched up her face. " I'm not a pumpkin. I'm a kitty cat!" Momma says I look like one."

Fitz rolled his eyes. Leave it up to Sophie to turn Malia into a young human version of her. 

All of the sudden, an shriek was heard. " Balin!" Malia gasped, and raced from the kitchen. 

Balin was covered in Verdi poop.

Fitz groaned.

HI guys! Sorry for taking so long to update!

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