Chapter One

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Haze. So, so much haze. 

A figure stepped through the mist, towards me. 

I tried to crouch, but as the only other shadow in this endless place, I knew they could see me. 

More than likely, it was someone bad. 

I swung my gaze around, hoping it would land on some sort of escape. 



As I turned my head back, I saw that it was all around me. 

The figure drew closer, and the haze thickened, as if it were closing in around me.

No! I wanted to shout. What's happening!

Then, the figure lifted me up, and started carrying me. To where? There was no shelter. There was no way out of here!

Help! I tried to shout, but the words didn't come out. 

I felt as if I were being choked. 

The last thing I saw was the hopeful gold shimmer around the haze, and then all was black.


" Sophie! Wake up, please!" An eyelid fluttered open.

" Elwin?" I croaked. 

" Yes!" Elwin gave a cry of relief and sank onto the edge of my bed. 

" What happened?" I asked. I hated that my voice sounded raw. 

" Well, you were tossing and turning, and crying out. And then you went still for a minute...." Elwin scratched his head.

" You though I was dead," I said bluntly. A nervous feeling came over me, like a wave.

" But you weren't." Elwin smiled. " It was like the, you had hope, and you pulled through.

The last thing I saw was the hopeful gold shimmer around the haze, and then all was black.

" I-I saw gold." I blurted out. " That's really all I remember. Seeing gold, and then black. Oh, and some haze too."

Elwin frowned as her flashed some orbs of different colors around my body. " I don't see anything except......" His frown became a scrunched up forhead.

" What?" I asked urgently, trying to sit up in bed.

" Lay down," Elwin barked, waving a hand at me. 

" Okay," I slid back down under the sheets.

" Oh no, oh no," Elwin muttered quietly. He probably thought I couldn't hear him, but I could.

" Is something wrong?" I asked again, the nervous feeling biting at my belly.

" I'm not going to hide this from you, Sophie," Elwin scratched his head. " You have this illness called Relldelcha.(I totally made that up, : D) Let me describe it to you: It this illness in your stomach where your red blood cells attack your body, kind of like a normal illness, but different. Like you experienced a few moments ago, it affects your dreams. These dreams can cause you to become crazy and do some bad things you don't want to do. can really hurt what ever is in your belly."

A weird feeling sank onto my chest. 

" I think I'll call Fitz in for the next part." Elwin said.

I nodded. " Oh, yes, I'd love to see my husband."

A few seconds later Elwin brought Fitz in. My husband ran over to me, hugged me and kissed me on the lips. 

" Sophie...." He whispered as he stroked my cheek gently. 

" Fitz," I breathed back.

Elwin cleared his throat, drawing our attention back to him.

" Sophie," He said slowly. " You many have already figured this out." He turned to Fitz. " Your wife is pregnant." 

Fitz grinned, and turned to me. " Way to go, darling, we'll have the perfect family, won't we?"

I smiled back and gave a tiny nod, although something felt wrong.

Elwin sighed and rubbed his chin. " Listen up, Fitz." He explained the whole Relldelcha illness to him. 

" So.....?" Fitz asked, obviously confused. 

" It's very dangerous for Sophie to be pregnant at this time." Elwin said.

" If something goes wrong, she AND the baby could both die."

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