Chapter Three

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A little treat for ya'll who love Dex and Linh!


" Hey, did Sophie seem off tonight?" I asked Dex, setting my bag on the chair inside the mudroom.

" Not really, why?" Dex replied. I could tell he'd hesitated before replying, even though I couldn't see his face. 

" I don't know." I replied. " But both she and Fitz were acting different."

" Well, it's not really our business." Dex walks to the couch. 

" Uh, yeah it is, because, um they are our friends," I say. 

" Do you EVER stop persueing your dumb theories?" My fiance blurts out.

" EXCUSE me?" I turn to face him. 

" I don't know why you bother!" He continues to rant. " It's not our problem, it theirs, okay?"

" I knew it! I knew it!" I shout. " You still like Sophie, even though you have claimed to move on! why did you lie to me!?"

Dex doesn't answer, he just stares into space.

" I need some time to think!" I yell, grabbing my bag and racing out the door.

Dex doesn't bother to come after me.



Linh's partly right. I still may have a crush on Sophie. But we are also best friends, so I have a right to be-huh, that doesn't make any sense. 

Maybe I should go after her.... 

So I step out the door, but she's gone.

I asked Linh to marry me. 

And know I don't know what to do. 

Sitting on the last step, I bury my face in my hands and begin to sob.



" And you're sure you're okay?" Fitz asks me as I climb into bed. 

" Yes, for the hundreth time," I reply irritably. 

" Okay......" Fitz doesn't sound convinced, but thankfully doesn't press any further. 

" Fitz, I'm just taking a nap like Elwin suggests I do," I remind him. " I'll be fine. Okay?" I grab his hand to reassure him. He squeezes it back and gives me a small smile.

" Fine. Have sweet dreams." My husband back to the door, and flicks off the light. I grab the sheets and pull them up over me. Then, I drift into sleep. 

For your baby, for your baby. The voice is familiar. 

Gah! A face appears in front of me. 

Gethen! I yell. What are you doing? 

He sneers. Killing you-and your baby. He raises an arm to strike. 

No! I scream. Please! No!

And then, Gethen's being pushed away, by-Dex? Wait, what is he doing in my dream? 

And then, I'm sinking onto a cloud. My mind is all fuzzy. 

Be strong, I remind my sub-conscienceness. 

Push. You got this. 

And then I'm awake. 

" Sophie?" Dex is peering into my face. " Sorry to wake you, but Fitz let me in and then told me  to check on you, and then you were restless and woke up so-"

I reach out a hand. " It's totally fine, Dex. Is something wrong?" I notice his red, puffy eyes.

" Linh and I had a fight. She thinks I still like you. And-I kinda do. So that's why I need to do this before I can talk to her again." 

Before I know what's happening, my brain's whispering, oh no, not this again. 

Then Dex's face is leaning down to mine.

And then his lips are on mine.

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