Chapter Six

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I was gasping, and everything was a haze.

Elwin was bent over my body, trying to reassure me it was okay.

" They're just braxton hip contractions," He said gently. " Completely normal for someone at your stage."

I nodded and gritted my teeth. I needed to focus on something else besides the pain. 

" Distract me! I hissed at Fitz. He nodded, went out into the hall, and brought Biana back with him.

" We're going to have Sophie guess what we are trying to do," Fitz explained to his sister.

Biana nodded and whispered something in Fitz's ear. Then, they both went to opposite sides of the room and began galloping past each other, their arms flapping.

" Silveny," I guessed correctly and rolled my eyes.

Fitz and Biana sighed. Then, they did another figure.

Grumpy faces, hands on hips, their eyes focused. 

So, so, so easy. 

" Bronte." I sighed, and then realized with relief, that the pain was slowly subsiding.

" Feeling any better?" Elwin asked as I turned my gaze on him.

" Yeah," I nodded. " The pain's less. If you could give me some pain med-" I trailed off as Elwin looked guilty. 

" Not in your condition, Sophie." He warned. 

Fitz came over to the bed and held my hands. " Is there anything we can do to prevent this, maybe?" He asked Elwin.

The physican looked doubtful. " I don't know. I can look in my office." He began packing things in his bag. " I'll come back tomorrow and check on you, is that alright?" He closed his bag with a snap and looked expectantly at us. 

" Sure," Fitz and I replied. 

Elwin was almost to the door when he turned around. " You know you'll be finding out the gender next week, correct?"

We nodded.

" Take a break and think of some names." Then Elwin walked out. 

Biana squealed. " EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Can I help you pick out a name, PLEASE?" 

Fitz glared at her, and Biana's shoulders drooped. 

" Fine. And when YOU ask to help name MY baby? I'll say no."

Fitz stuck out his tounge at her. " What ever." He rubbed mt back.

" I guess I'll leave now." Biana sighed. " But I'm coming back tomorrow. No buts, and you can't stop me, okay?" She wiggled a finger at us.

I couldn't hide my laugh. " Okay, bossy boots. Bye." She left the room and Fitz turned towards me. 

Suddenly, I felt something.

" Fitz!" I exclaimed, " Feel this!" I place both of his hands on my stomach.

" Wow." He breathed, then leaned down and kissed my stomach. " Our baby just gave us our first kick."

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