56. RICK

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We were loading on the bus for the last game before break, besides the JV vs Varsity game. Which is Wednesday. Should be pretty good, but who knows.

I took a seat next to Les when we saw Charlie.

"I wanna be on the team coach. I wanna play two-way hockey. Can I come back?"

"Take a seat. We're running late"

Charlie went down the isle high fiving people and smiling brightly. He took a seat next to Russ.

"Oh man, you should've seen your face." Russ said making a pouty look and fake tears with a baby voice "Oh, Coach, I want to play two-way hockey"

I leaned over the seat joining in "Can I come back? I'll even suck your dick"

Then Les added kissy noises

"You guys are the worst" He smiled rolling his eyes

Then the dean walked on the bus?? "I would like to speak to you boys"

"AND girls" Julie added

"And girls" He smiled "We have a board meeting tomorrow. And you all are on the agenda.. we have to think long-term here. What's in YOUR best interest"

"Get to the point man" I said rolling my eyes

Les giggled next to me, making the Dean eye us. He then cleared his throat "The board is going to approve the withdrawing of your scholarships. Now you'll be welcome to stay for the rest of the semester, but after that..."

"I need a word with you" Coach said

"I think I've said all I need to say" He said stepping off the bus

"No. Now." He said getting off

What the fuck??

"They can't do this!" I said throwing my hands up

We all got up quickly, to eavesdrop.

"So that's it? You're dumping 'em, just like that?" Coach asked angrily

"Coach I'm sorry, but your team isn't performing and I've been under enormous pressure"

"Enormous pressure my ass" I muttered

"From who?! The alumni group? A bunch of again pep clubbers?"

"Well said coach" Les smiled

"Ted! I'm trying to do you a favor! With those kids gone, you'll get to pick your own team. Let's face it, the ducks are drowning"

We all looked around at each other, hurt, and slightly pissed off.

"I got my team. Either they stay, or I go"

I smiled. He really does care about us.

"We'll miss ya ted" The dean said, clapping his arm and walking away

"Why us?" Luis asked

"Cause he's a slime" Charlie said

"Yeah, I know where that dude lives" Fulton said angrily, making my laugh some

We all got off and gathered around coach

"We're just pawns" Les started "Puppets for the stage show, jesters to entertain the king, barnacles on the bottom of.." He said getting more intense

"Shut up!" Russ said putting his hand in his face, making me laugh

"Coach is the legal? I mean don't we have contracts to something?"

"That's the smartest thing I've heard you say Goldie" I smiled, earning an elbow from him

"I don't know what it is. All I know is we're gonna fight it"

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