Chapter 15

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After the confrontation with Tilly. I couldn't be around anyone. So, I just ran. I made it to a park. When I come back to school tomorrow, I'm going to have to pay the consequences, but right now, I didn't care.

She just assumed I was starving. I mean, I am. Lucky guess. It's like she knew. Seeing the hurt and sadness in Tilly's eyes broke me. Nobody's ever looked at me with such sorrow. Not even Kenzie. Maybe it's time to stop, I don't want to hurt the people I care about anymore.

I sat on the swings, rocking back and forth. I'm not sure what to do. I mean, what I put into my body is the one thing that I have control over. It's not like I want to die, and I know that's what's going to happen if I continue, but I need something to control in my life. I need a constant, but it seems like everything was changing around me.

I pulled out my flip phone to check the time. It was currently 2:30, how long was I sitting there? I was probably just going to go into work early. I didn't know what to for the next two hours. I couldn't go home, because I don't really want to deal with Jessica. She's been getting off work earlier and earlier. She's always drunk. We can see it and smell it. She thinks we don't know anything, but we notice.

I got up from the swing, and started to walk to work. I don't think Jacob will mind if I come in an hour early.

I was about half way there when I felt an eerie feeling. It's not an uncommon feeling. It was a feeling I was starting to get used to. It was like someone was watching me or following me.

I looked around, but seeing nobody. I felt goosebumps rise up my back. I know someone is watching me, but every time I looked, nobody would be there.

I pulled out my flip phone, and reached into my bag, feeling a small paper ball roll into my fingers. I pulled it out, unwrapped the ball. I type the number into the phone, and pressed call.

"Hello? Who's this?" The person picked up on the second ring. I pulled the phone away from my ear, and checked the time. It was now 3:05. Good, school was out.

"Tilly? It's Ellie. I need your help." The phone was silent for a short while. I pulled the phone away from my ear once again, to make sure the call was still going.

"Ellie? Are you okay? What happened?" I sighed, I didn't want to tell her and sound crazy. So, I had to come up with a believable lie.

"I'm okay, I was walking to work, and I fell and twisted my ankle. Your number was the only one I had." None of that was true. I had Kenzie's, but I needed someone right now. Kenzie couldn't be here for the next 30 minutes, because she has to pick up Olivia.

"Tell me where you're at and I'll come get you. Did you fall on your hand? Were you dizzy?" I sighed, maybe calling her wasn't the smartest idea, but I need someone with me.

"No, i didn't land on my hand, and no I wasn't Dizzy. I stepped into a pothole. I'm about 15 minutes away from ocean view park. I'm on sycamore street." I tried to sound believable, but my voice kept cracking. There was goosebumps all over my body. It felt like a ghost was just circling around my body.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Don't move. I'm on my way." We said our goodbyes as I put my phone up. Now, if I could just stay alive until she got here.

I found a bench, and sat down. I pulled out my journal to document this. This makes number three of times I've felt like I was being watched.

At first I thought I was just being paranoid. The second time, I thought it was just a weird coincidence, but now. Now I'm terrified. Three times is just too much. Especially, because it's only been around two weeks since this started happening.

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