The Embrace (Option 2)

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"John? You're not supposed to be in here..."

"That doesn't matter, Y/N."

"But what if Brian wakes up-"

"Oh, my love. You know about the inner rebel inside of me. Besides, it's worth it to comfort the love of my life. We could  all hear you talking to yourself. You're overwhelmed, aren't you, baby girl?"


"I don't normally do this, so that just shows how much I love you..."

John sits on my bed, joining me.

"Wait...what are you doing?"

"Comforting you in your time of need."

He opens his arms to me. I timidly look up at him.

"Please, Y/N. I want nothing more than to hold you. Like I said, I'm not someone who does this, so if I were you, I'd embrace this moment."

"It's not that, it's just-"

His strong, loving arms interrupted my current thoughts, which quickly escaped me.

"There, my sweet. Fold into your Johnny. Release all thoughts and relax."

I didn't know how to feel, and I debated on trying to pull away at times.

But gradually, I felt more and more comfortable in his shockingly cuddly nature, and I could feel myself fully let my eyes close peacefully.

During my last moments of consciousness, the sound of John's steady heartbeat filled my ears, only lulling me deeper into dreamland...

"Oh, my dearest Y/N, how I have longed for this moment. Goodnight, baby girl..."

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