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"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you last night," I whispered when George woke up. The position we woke up in wasn't too bad. I was just using his arm as a pillow and I'm sure it had fallen asleep after while.

"It's okay," he smiled, "You act as if cuddling is illegal."

I rolled my eyes and turned towards him, "Well some people are uncomfortable with friends cuddling. If it's any better, I genuinely don't remember falling asleep like that."

"Friends," he scoffed with a smile, "It's okay. I was actually gonna go home last night after making sure you got here safe but then you fell asleep and I didn't want to move you and then accidentally wake you."

"Okay," I replied sarcastically, "I'm gonna go get changed for the day. Wanna go grocery shopping? I'm out of ice cream."

"You're out of like all food you know. Not just ice cream."

"Yes but the ice cream is the most important."

"I like where your priorities lie."

I nodded eagerly and grabbed some clothes from my dresser. It was cooler today so I didn't put much effort into my outfit. Only a pair of jeans and one of George's hoodies from the new merch store that he so gracefully hand delivered to me. It was the pink 3D goggles one. He got all of his merch sent to him from Dream but he didn't want the pink color so he gave it to me. I also finessed a blue red box hoodie from him. I genuinely didn't think I'd get two hoodies out of it; I was just asking jokingly.

I went to the bathroom to do my whole morning routine and change into my outfit before going back to the bedroom. George was chilling on his phone in the same position I left him in.

"I like your hoodie," he laughed.

I looked down to recheck what one I was wearing, "I'd hope you'd like it idiot."

I flopped down on the bed beside him and stole his phone out of his grip. He didn't even put up a fight which was surprising. I pocketed his phone in my back pocket before getting up from the bed and starting for the door.

"Let's go!"

I heard him groan in complaint but he still followed me to the front door. We put on our shoes, I grabbed my keys, and we headed out the door. While we were walking down the stairs to the car, I felt his phone slip out of my pocket and turned around to see him proud about getting it back.

"You touched my butt," I pointed out, bursting out laughing at seeing how flustered he got all of a sudden. He did not think it was funny. No sense of humor.

"So I made you a playlist," George spoke when we got in the car.

"Stop no you didn't."

"I did," he smiled.

"I'll cry."

"It's a fucking playlist you idiot," he laughed, "here, I'll play it. I put songs on it that just reminded me of you or like us."

I always appreciated when people did things like that for me without asking. It genuinely hit me that I cared for George and he cared for me. So no, it wasn't necessarily the playlist that made me want to cry, it was the fact that I was thought about from someone else. He didn't have to do that. I didn't even know he was doing that. The fact that there's enough songs that reminds him of me or us to compile in a playlist was shocking enough.

It had songs on it that I listen to occasionally when he's over like khai dreams or surfaces. It had a couple of one direction songs on there as well. There were a few times we would casually talk on the bed or couch and something we said would set off my google home and it'd play a random song. All of those songs were in there as well.

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