A Compilation of Wrecker

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A/n: I apologize for an grammatical errors, it's the middle of the night and my brain is fried from exhaustion.  But I wanted to post this so oh well. Enjoy everyone!


How Wrecker got Lula

Time: Bad Batchers are cadets

Notes: Come on I had to mention Lula at some point.  This is completely headcanon, I have no idea how Wrecker actually got Lula 

While the other Bad Batchers had fallen asleep quite some time ago, Wrecker was still tossing and turning in his cot. He huffed an exasperated sigh with himself. He was tired but he was too restless to actually sleep!

Tomorrow the Bad Batch had a training simulation which would supposedly determine for sure if it would be worth it to continue their training. If they failed, all of Clone Force 99 would likely be permanently decommissioned to maintenance with all the other defective clones.

'If you want to do well then you need to be rested,' Wrecker tried to remind himself.

The notion did nothing to convince his brain to let him fall asleep. Instead his nerves jumped about, keeping his mind fixated on the next day's assessment.  With another deep sigh, Wrecker stared up at the ceiling. It seemed that he had a long, restless night ahead of him.


The next morning, Wrecker was exhausted but completely alert. He had downed a cup of caf from the mess hall at breakfast before gearing up for the simulation, which probably only made his jitters worse.  Now the Bad Batchers were waiting for the assessment supervisor to call them onto the training field for their big test. 

Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair appeared to anxious and trepidatious as well, which made Wrecker feel a little better about being nervous himself. Each displayed their apprehension in a different way: Hunter absentmindedly fiddled with his training blaster while Crosshair forcefully chewed on a toothpick. Tech shifted his weight between his feet as he fidgeted with his hands and Wrecker bounced on his toes.

"Clone Force 99, please enter the training field for your simulation," their trainer instructed over the PA system.

Wrecker's throat felt dry and a cold sweat ran down his back as he and the others marched out of the waiting room and to the simulation. No one said a word until the doors had swished open to the large stadium where the Bad Batchers would face their biggest test yet.

"We have done this before, boys. We'll be alright," Hunter assured them.

"Your simulation begins now. Clear the Citadel course by retrieving the beacon from the tower," the supervisor ordered.

The Citadel course was supposedly one of the most difficult tests for a cadet to take.  Even fully trained adult troopers struggled with the course, which didn't really aid Wrecker's confidence.  After all, he and the other Bad Batchers were only teenagers!  They weren't even close to being fully trained yet!

Nonetheless, the test began. The droids around the field activated and the Bad Bacth ducked for cover away from their fire.

"You all know the drill. Crosshair, you take the towers. Tech and I will get the ground infantry. I'll be on the left flank. Wrecker you take the right; get up close and personal," Hunter directed.

The others nodded and took off in their separate directions. Crosshair claimed on of the towers as his sniping position while Tech, Hunter, and Wrecker remained on the field. Wrecker took the right side just as Hunter had commanded.

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