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Everything that can go wrong will go wrong!

How very true that one is!

I had a perfect plan!

The perfect number of villains to keep the heroes in training busy and a nomu at my side not to mention my team by my side too.

So where did it go wrong?

Didn't I get their quirks right?

No that wasn't it!

I watched them before. UA had some footage of their entrance exam. Watching it helped understand their quirks and learning how they move around. Then after hacking into, it a little bit more I could just access the security footage feed. Thanks to that I watched them grow as a team and I hated it!

I hated seeing Bakugo getting soo much attention from All Might and then it hit me. Thanks to Sensei I knew that All Might's quirk is called OfA. AfO told me everything he knew about it including its story. It was a quirk with a will of its own. That much was clear to me.

Now after watching and suffering at Bakugo's quirk every single day until around 11 months ago, I knew that his quirk has changed. He was stronger and faster than he was before. It looked like an enhancer quirk but that couldn't be true since I knew the pain of his explosion. There was only one logical explanation for that. He was the ninth user of OfA.

Did I underestimate them?

That wasn't it either!

Did my team fail?

No. I have completely confidence in them!

So, what happened then?

I would say sheer dumb luck!

Nothing that happened can be explained without saying that someone must have cursed us this day.

So if you ask me what went wrong that day I would say: Everything!

First off, I told Kurogiri multiple times how he needed to group them and send them to a specific area but he made the mistake and let one escape. That one student changed the outcome completely!

Then there were the villains that got way to easily defeated buy the hero in trainings. To be quite honest that surprised me. They were just simple kids and they had years of fighting experience and still failed.

Then there was my team. Toga ignored me and went stabby stabby on Thirteen which I couldn't scold her because she did a fine job but Dabi and Shiggy went after Eraserhead and he was playing with them as if they were toys. Which lead me to calling Kurogiri in order to teleport a nomu there.

After that I let the nomu go after the hero. If it weren't for Bakugo he would be done for. Still, I couldn't believe that he didn't realize who I was. It's not like I was wearing a mask or anything other than my suit that was made out of a special material. Thanks to the material used it was not as stiff but stretchy and fire proof as well as bullet proof. On top of that it would keep me warm at all cost and cool me down if I was too hot. A truly great investment!

 A truly great investment!

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