War day 2: Leaving bread crumbs behind!

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I was now standing in front of three heroes where one of them was Dabi's brother. I was sure that the LOV was watching this whole thing too. With that in my mind and knowing that this game was at its end, I needed to give them a couple of hints to get me out of here and get prepared.

Me: Ohh a Todoroki! I wonder if this one is as huge of a trashcan as its father. They say like father like son after all!

Todoroki: Don't compare me to that garbage.

Me: Why? You are no match for Nomu.

After I said that, I turned towards the blue hair boy with glasses. It was obvious that he was the little brother of Ingenium.

Me: And you! Your brother is Ingenium. You do realize he is such a nuisance to the hero society. All he is capable of doing is informing about a villains attack. I will get rid of him sooner or later. After that we will be able to be free again!

Iida: My brother is not that weak.

Me: Hmm I think his name was Tensei and believe me, I got enough information about him to get him out of commission for good.

That was all it took for the boy to use his quirk and charge at me. However all I needed to do was step to the side and grab his hand to redirect him into a building.

Me: Oh my bad!

???: Bro that was so uncool!

With that another one started charging at me.

Me: Skin enhancement quirk very useful but not if you can just break bones and a bullet that goes through everything.

I let him run at me. Since I knew that blades were not the best idea here and firing with the bullets I had was no option too. So I just grabbed him and used him as a shield for the ice that Todoroki send my way thinking I forgot about him.

Me: Not the same you say, eh? But your collateral damage is the same!

He just looked at me and I could tell that he was fuming of anger. Just a little more push and I knew that he would use his fire side or his quirk would get out of hand to be precise.

Seeing as the shark boy was now frozen in ice and had his quirk still up all I could do was spout nonsense and leave hints for the LOV to know that the end is near.

Me: You know Todoroki-kun, the reason your brother left you is because of your father and your brothers including you. No one ever cared for him! You are all the same. Either ice cold or flammable trash!

That was it. His fire side erupted and I began sprinting towards the shield I had in front of me and jumped kicked the shark out of the ice against Todoroki.

Nezu: Eijiro Kirishima was killed.

Once I landed I immediately jumped back and began defending myself because of a certain sonic wanna be. It was not hard dodging every single one of his punches or kicks and it began looking as if I was dancing around.

Me: hahaha is this all?

I took out my knife and still began dodging but now I would make cut marks on every leg he used to kick me. He was vulnerable when he did that for a couple of seconds and I sued that to make a cut mark on the back of his legs while he was trying to kick me and I just duck.

Since I knew that there was a very important blood vessel there and if it would be cut for real, he would bleed out in seconds.

Nezu: Tenya Iida was killed.

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