War day 1: Let's announce our presence!

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After an hour of rest, I stood up from the ground where I was leaning against the wall and walked over to Shiggy and Dabi. They knew if I was sitting on the ground and leaning against a wall that I was thinking and planning even though I might look like resting or even asleep. In reality I was playing different scenarios in my head.

Me: Dabs, Shiggy!

Dabi: Oho Shit is going down soon!

Shiggy: Finally, some excitement.

Me: Let's introduce ourself first, shall we?

I had such a shit eating grin on my face that I was sure that the heroes looking at me immediately thought that I would kill the people. Though that idea was close to what I was about to do. If I could I would shot them all down but my bullets were exchanged so that they wouldn't kill anyone. My blades were too. I hated them for touching my weapons but there was nothing I could do against it. Though I was sure to make this whole exercise a lot worser for them thanks to that!

Mic: Ahm... What is the plan, Usagi?

Midnight: The quirk suppression bracelets you guys wear are still intact. You do know that, right?

Ah yeah...

These things...

I'll get down from Shiggy and Dabs.

They might be able to use their quirk right now but not to the fullest from what I got.

The bracelets only activate the moment they use the full potential.

Still I don't have one but they did touch my weapons.

It's now like I will find a way to get them off my team or anything...

Dabi: We know or you would be burnt by now!

Shiggy: I would love to disintegrate everything on you, you lowly ass NPC!

Me: Guys! Enough! Let's go!

I called out to them the moment they went over to the pros and looked like they would beat the shit out of them. Eraserhead came over to us too and began lecturing his small team. I used that moment to go out of our hideout and have Dabi and Shiggy by my side.

Me (whispering): I'll get the bracelet off you.

Shiggy (whispering): So, you have a plan?

Me (whispering): Yes.

Dabi (whispering): That's our Izu!

Me (whispering): We will do the usual.

Shiggy (whispering): Nothing special, titan?

Me (whispering): You still have them on and I won't have a chance now to get them off but after that. I will.

With that I began telling them a little about the plan. This time I didn't whisper so that the heroes would know what we do to. The surprise in that plan was not told since it was a surprise after all. It was a small part that Shiggy and Dabi would need to do in order for me to get these bracelets off them.

It didn't take us long and I had the pro heroes on standby. They were only there to watch over as after all so there was no need for them to get involved in this exercise and only be a burden to me.

This was why there were watching us and Shiggy, Dabi and I would do the work.

We were all in side alleys but every single of us had a good view to the main street in which the heroes will most like go around. I doubted that anyone of them would check the side streets and so we were waiting for them.

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