War day 2: Is he serious?

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We were running around the city until Eraserhead stopped for a moment looked down and sighed while shaking his head.

Me: What's up?

I turned around and looked at him after seeing his behavior. He however didn't even respond to my question and so I went over to him only to see his student looking at a drone and began posing around.

Me: Let me ask you this again. Is this one of you students?

Eraserhead: Unfortunately.

Me: And you don't have a student you hate the most?

Eraserhead: No.

Me: ... You sure?

Eraserhead: They are all annoying.

Me: Ohh makes sense.

Eraserhead: *Sigh*

Me: You go after him and I go after the other 2.

Eraserhead: Fine.

I watched Eraserhead jump off the roof and use his scarf to wrap his student up and pull him towards himself. Since the other two were still a little bit away running towards this guy, I had some time to look at what the pro would do to his student. Not only that but I had a gun in my hand and if worse comes to worse, I could just eliminate them by a shot.

Eraserhead: *Sigh* You guys are just wasting my time!

He had his quirk activated and looked at the poor guy screaming at him how useless he is and that he should be a lot more careful since they were up against a real villain.

Eraserhead: *Sigh* This is all a huge waste of my time!

Just like that he began throwing the poor guy around like a ragdoll. I would have loved nothing more than to watch hi end the poor man's carrier and traumatize him for his life. However the other two guys came way to close and I fired my bullets right in front of their feet's before jumping down.

Me: I can't have you interfere now.

???: Is that?

???: Aizawa-sensei?

Me: Yeah, the little caterpillar evolved into an evil demon.

???: Demon?

???: Wait! We need to go after you and him?

Me: Yep. Any last words you have to share?

I still had both of my guns in my hand. It was also fun to watch the color drain of their face after waving with my hands and still holding the gun in it. Not to mention that I just told them that they would die. It might also just have been the fault of the bloody aura I just released and began smiling at them.

In contrary to the others there was this one guy out of the both with a tail and he quickly recovered and ran at me with his tail ready to hit me. However there was no need for me to even move from the spot where I was.

What the heck are you even thinking?

Sprinting like this to an armed man?!

I hate to break it to you but the bullet is faster than you!

You seriously trying to hit me while I have two guns in my hand?

You don't even know if I have a quirk or not!!!

The best choice here would be to sacrifice one to alarm the others but what the heck are you guys doing?

One attack and the other one just watching?

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