Chapter 21: BEIRON

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A/N: Guess who hit 3k? Yes it's us bitchesss. Omg omg thank you *jumps in excitement*  thank you again *gets emotional* you guys really make me so happy.

 Quick question: do you think my chapters are too long and i should reduce them or you like them like this? I write around 2.1k words lol.

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I had a meeting with Richard about my boxing career and Tisha, Luke and I are going to celebrate,I'm on my way to pick her up. 

After a couple of minutes I'm parked in front of the Carter's mansion. I get out and lean in front of the car. I'm about to text Tisha that i'm here when i see her running towards me, her hair flying back.

 She's wearing this mid-thigh blue sundress . I hold my arms open and she jumps into them, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Don't mind me, I'm just excited for you." she says breathless from running,her heart beating wildly. "Kinda sad for me, but mostly happy for you"

"Thank you baby" I murmured in her neck and kissed her lips one last time before she got off me.

We enter the car and drive to the bar. Arriving there, we find Luke sitting in our usual spot, looking at something on his phone with his beer in front of him. 

A band is playing and there are people in front dancing to the music, others sitting chatting . I take Tisha's hand as we go through the crowd to reach our table.

"My boy!" Luke shouts, waving at us . He pulls me to his arm and slaps my back. He pulls away and hugs Tisha more gently.

"How are you doing?" she asks him as we sit down opposite him.

"I'm really great, especially tonight."

"I like this place, it's so cool." she raises her voice for us to hear her over the music. She looks around with a smile on her face. I love seeing her happy.

Luke laughs. "We are very cool guys." He waves the bartender over.

"We are doing shots," Luke yells excitedly. I think he's a little drunk.

"Yes to the shots" she yells back laughing.

There is no way I'm driving her while I'm drunk. "Actually, no to the shots because I'm driving."

"Beiron, there is no one I know who can handle their liquor better than you do." Luke tries to convince me. I know I rarely get drunk but I'm not taking chances.

"Okay fine, i'll have two only." I emphasize on the only.

"Hey guys, what can i get you tonight?" Leah's annoying voice asks, approaching us.


"6 shots please" Tisha tells her and Leah shoots her a dirty look. I immediately looked at Tisha  to see if she saw but luckily she didn't notice.

I swear if she looks at my girl like that, I'm getting her fired.

"I've never seen you here before." She hugs the tray she's holding and looks at her questioningly.

"Yeah, it's my first time here." Tisha smiles up at her.

 "My boyfriend comes here a lot." she touches my arm and Leah's eyes widen.

I look at Luke who's watching all this unfold with an uneasy expression. "Leah, shots please."  he groans . Leah gives him a tight smile and goes to get our drinks.

THE BODYGUARD AND I(Beiron and Tisha's story)Where stories live. Discover now